Three Effective Follow Up Strategies With Your Prospects

Last updated Jul 24, 2023

effective follow up strategies
  • @jasonoudotcom
  • @jasonoudotcom

Three Effective Follow Up Strategies With Your Prospects

Have you ever wondered how to follow up with your prospects and close?

Although there are many effective follow up strategies online, like …

  • Providing content on your blog.
  • Broadcasting a Facebook Live.
  • Hosting a Webinar.
  • Texting.
  • And so on.

You still have to …

TALK. To. People.

It’s really how a relationship and a business partnership is built on.

And when you do have the opportunity to talk to a prospect, it is not about pressuring them into the business.

Otherwise you’ll lose them.

Recognize It’s. Not. About. You.

Rather, it’s about them.

That means, paying attention to their needs, asking questions and how best you can help them.

Put it simply … it is about letting them talk and for you to listen.

And see where the opportunity heads.

But most of all. In any real relationship.

You have to be authentic.

A great example was this recent experience I had with an online tutoring product for primary school kids.

I made an inquiry online, filled in my contact details and as soon as I had clicked the submit button, a text message came back requesting for a phone appointment.

And when we talked, the consultant asked away, listened and I blabbered on.

Which led him to a solution I needed.

You see … he didn’t try to sell me anything.

He just listened and offered a solution to my need.

Make sense?

Lastly, aim to get in touch with a prospect as soon as possible, while they’re still warm.

That’s when they have your product and personal brand fresh in their minds.

If you want to learn how to attract endless new prospects and team mates to you automatically, click here to find out more.

Now, let’s look at 3 strategies you can use to follow up, engage and communicate.

How To Follow Up With Prospects – 3 Ways

FREE Guide


1. Personally Email Them.

The easiest way to follow up with a prospect is to send a personal email yourself … or via an autorepsonder.

Again, the aim of the email is NOT to focus on the sale.

Rather it is about simply getting a response to guage the interest of the prospect.

Say when a prospect subscribes and downloads a free lead magnet.

An email is then automatically sent out with a simple message, like this …

“Hi Lauren, Jason Here. I saw you downloaded the PDF report and I just wanted to see how I could help you. Just curious, why Exactly did you pick the guide up?”

Let’s review this …

In the email, there’s no mention of anything related to a product or the company.

Instead, it does 3 things.

  1. It acknowledges they have downloaded the free guide.
  2. I reach out a lending hand to help them.
  3. I asked a question.

Short and sweet without being salesy.

And as always, start with a killer email subject line that grabs their attention

When a prospect replies back, quickly reply back to arrange a time to get on Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Zoom or even the phone to TALK.

A quicker way to limit the back and forth emailing, use a free appointment tool like Calendly to set up the meeting.

Side-note : You could even send a similar email even if they’ve visited your blog.

2. Phone Them.

If you happen to have your prospect’s phone number, why not call them!

Going via this route makes you stand out amongst other online marketers and online business builders.

Talking to your prospects makes it personal.

Which allows you to quickly establish a relationship.

When you are on the phone, kickstart the conversation with …

“Hi Lauren, Jason Here. I’m just calling to introduce myself and see how’s things going with you. And how I can help you with your business?”

Nothing salesy. Just ask and listen.

Remember … the call is about them.

By asking questions, you have control over the conversation and you will learn more about their frustration and needs.

When you uncover their problems, you’ll be able to educate, form the right plan and direct them to a product or service that can solve their pain points.

And then have them make up their minds.

3. Post Engaging Content.

Another excellent way to get your prospects reaching out is to post engaging content.

This is accomplished through creating content that will truly resonate with your ideal prospect.

Content that strikes a pain point and as well, solving the problem.

When you do this, not only will it be easier to create content for your audience, it will grab their attention.

And they will subscribe to your email list and even become a fan on social media.

If someone does reach out, connect with them via Facebook or via email … and then talk.

Related Reading : 9 Effective Facebook Engagement Post Ideas

As you consistently provide great content, you are exposing and building the credibility in your brand.

The key point here is to be CONSISTENT.

Whether it is posting daily, one a week, twice a week, three times a week or even once a month … just show up.

And remember – when they do reach out, connect with them on email or Facebook and with the aim to get on a call with them.

And help.

And that’s how you follow up with prospects.

At the end of the day, to build a business you need to be connecting with the right people … and TALK.

That means, as soon as you have the contact details, you schedule a time to talk.

And again, it’s not about pitching your product or opportunity.

It’s about giving your fullest attention to the prospect.

They’re looking for a problem to fix and you’re there to give them a solution.

Plus when you ask questions and listen, you’ll be able to fill in the gaps and take that relationship a step up … from a warm to a HOT prospect.

When you think about it, it’s really how a real business operates in both the offline and online world.

Finally building a business does takes time and plenty of effort.

So commit to twelve months of posting value to your target audience, and follow up.

P.S In case you’re one of the people (like me) who skim to the P.S before you read the page, here’s what this is about:

1. 3 easy yet effective follow up strategies with your prospects.  

2. How to turn a prospect into a customer and team member.

Resources To Grow Your Business With

Attraction Marketing Formula

If you have been struggling to recruit more people and just tired of the rejections. Here’s a way to automate your prospecting and build a system that passively attracts people to your business, all online, while you sleep … then I strongly encourage check out this product here.

You’ll learn how to grow your network marketing business, without dealing with rejection. You’ll learn how to recruit people without the daily grind of prospecting!

So if you’re ready to get started…

Simply click here now 

Bye for now,

Jason Ou


Building an email list of a growing audience is essential for the longevity of any business.  This autoresponder service is easy to use, and it is a great starting point for someone looking to kickstart their email campaign. You can try their free account here.


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