How To Make Money Blogging
For Beginners
A Round Up of the Latest Strategies, Trends, Resources & Training to Help You Build A Profitable Business Online.
Do I Need a Laptop to Blog?
Starting a blog brings up a big question: Do I Need a Laptop to Blog? No, you don't need one because you can use smart-phones and tablets to blog too. But, let's untangle this web together - minus...
Does WordPress Include Hosting? Get the Truth for Your Website
Curious about website hosting with WordPress? Does WordPress include hosting? The answer is yes! WordPress does include hosting. However, there are important details you should know. This guide will...
Do All Blog Posts Need To Be At Least 300 Words?
Navigating the blogging world often brings up questions about ideal post length. "Do all blog posts need to be at least 300 words?" Not necessarily. While longer posts can delve deep into topics,...
How to Start Successfully Blogging For Beginners in 2023
Looking for a foolproof guide on how to start blogging for beginners? In this helpful resource, you won't have to worry about confusing words or too much extra stuff. We've kept it simple and clear...
Are Blogs Becoming Obsolete (Dead) or Still Relevant?
Ever found yourself pondering, "Are blogs becoming obsolete?" You're not alone. I also had that nagging question in my mind. So, I popped on my detective hat and plunged into a sea of data, only to...
What is The Most Difficult Part of Blogging?
Dipping your toes into the world of blogging may seem like a walk in the park at first glance, right? But those who have been brave enough to take the plunge - myself included - will tell you it's...
How to Get Your Blog Noticed & Grow Traffic – 17 Proven Ways
I yelled at my laptop screen, "No one is reading my blog!" It was a moment of frustration I faced when I first decided to blog. It was ticking me off. Big time. However, it's just one of those...
How To Start A Travel Blog Without Traveling: The Complete Guide
Ever thought about starting a travel blog, but your day-to-day commitments have you grounded? You're not alone. Dive into this guide to discover the art of virtual voyaging and creating a successful...
Is There a Downside to Blogging?
Embarking on the exciting journey of blogging? You might be wondering, "Is there a downside to blogging?" I bet you're curious about any potential pitfalls. Trust me, all those rounds of...
Why Do Bloggers Fail to Make Money?
Why do bloggers fail to make money? It's often not about the writing, but the strategy. Many miss key steps or chase the wrong methods. In this guide, I'll highlight these errors and show you how to...