The 5 Powerful Elements Your Facebook Posts MUST Contain to Passively Attract Prospects, Customers, & Recruits

The 5 Powerful Elements Your Facebook Posts MUST Contain to Passively Attract Prospects, Customers, & Recruits

The 5 Powerful Elements Your Facebook Posts MUST Contain to Passively Attract Prospects, Customers, & Recruits

Want to write more effective Facebook ads?

…the kind that demand attention, encourage your audience to take immediate action, and warm cold prospects into hot, ready-to-buy customers?

Well, you’re in luck…

Because I’m about to reveal the five psychological elements your Facebook ads and posts should contain to passively attract new prospects and customers, as well as, improve your recruiting results using social media.

I’ll provide examples and discuss how to hit on these five psychological elements using minimal text (yet maximum effect).

But first, let me tell you what NOT to do on Facebook.



Do NOT talk about your company!


This is super important.

You’re not trying to spam your audience with details about your company or the products your company offers.

Instead, you want to be focused on the RESULTS that you or your product can produce for your prospects.

Unfortunately, most network marketing companies teach distributors all the wrong

mlm lead generation

ways to post on social media.

They give distributors pictures of their product and logos of the company and tell them to go out and paste them everywhere.

They claim this is to “brand the company.”

But, here’s the thing…

No one cares about the brand of ANY company unless they understand how that company can help them! 

And here’s the real kicker…

If you post about how your company can help your audience and provide the name of the company, then people will simply Google the company themselves and bypass you entirely (since you gave them all the necessary information)…

Which means they won’t purchase the product or join the company through you, because you are no longer required to complete those transactions.

So, if you don’t want that to happen, then…

Don’t post anything related to your company!

Not because your company is bad, but because you want to maintain an element of mystery.

Especially if you’re recruiting with social media.

Also, you want your prospects to reach out to you because they see you as the channel by which they can receive a certain benefit—the one that you described in your Facebook update or ad.

That’s the primary reason you should not 

mlm lead generation

post information about your company all over social media.

Again, you want to keep the mystery, because you are encouraging people to reach out to you to learn more.

Frankly, you want people to see YOU as the source of the solution to their problems.

…not your company.

Thus, If they have…

  • Skincare issues
  • Financial issues
  • Lack of energy issues
  • Weight loss issues

…whatever their problem, you want to be the source your prospects seek when it comes to that particular issue to receive a certain benefit.

ways to post on social media.

They give distributors pictures of their product and logos of the company and tell them to go out and paste them everywhere.

They claim this is to “brand the company.”

But, here’s the thing…

No one cares about the brand of ANY company unless they understand how that company can help them! 

And here’s the real kicker…

If you post about how your company can help your audience and provide the name of the company, then people will simply Google the company themselves and bypass you entirely (since you gave them all the necessary information)…

Which means they won’t purchase the product or join the company through you, because you are no longer required to complete those transactions.

So, if you don’t want that to happen, then…


That’s how you build a brand and authority

In fact, people will perceive you as an authority when you demonstrate you can help other people (or even yourself) achieve a result in that arena.

Not because of your degree or background.

Okay, so that’s a general approach for how to create Facebook posts and what not to include to position yourself most advantageously.

jason k ou

Sidenote: sign up for my FREE 10-Day Online Recruiting Bootcamp Here, where you’ll gain the knowledge to create an automated selling and prospecting system to attract highly-interested prospects to your product or opportunity online.

Now, let’s break down the five psychological elements I recommend for most Facebook posts or ads.

And look, you don’t have to include all five, every single time.

And the five elements don’t have to all be articulated individually, in, say, separate sentences.

But your ads and updates need to hit on at least three of these elements to be effective on Facebook.

Starting with…

mlm lead generation

In traditional marketing or online marketing specifically, what’s been effective in the past is beginning an ad with the message, “Attention {Blank}.“

For example…

  • Attention diabetes sufferers!
  • Attention network marketers!
  • Attention WAHMs (work at home moms)!
  • Attention… “whomever!”

They just spell it out—stating exactly who the ad is for.

Now, that can be effective with other ad platforms.

But the problem with Facebook is they DO NOT allow you to do that in your advertising.

Note you can “flag” your audience using your personal profile, but it comes off a little cheesy and ‘salesy,’ though it is effective.

However, you can’t do that using paid Facebook advertising, because their policies don’t allow you to call people out on their personal attributes.

So, another effective way of grabbing attention is to…

Share something from your personal experience

A good example of this comes courtesy of an ad by one of our students, Hannah Gorvin.

She was targeting network marketers (she’s selling training) and her ad says…

“My upline told me I only needed five key people. Easy, right? Well, not actually…”

Note how she’s saying something that subtly contradicts the worldview of most network marketers, regarding how a business is built.

Here’s another example from one of our ads, which is a little bit more in your face…

“I finally stopped listening to my upline.”

That statement grabs attention (and might even build some rapport).

Here’s another one (that combines a few elements)…

“We taught these folks how to recruit without prospecting.”

One surefire strategy to grab attention is to…

State something that’s contradictory to what people in your market commonly believe

One of my mentors is in the intermittent fasting market.

That means ketogenic living, which is a certain diet you follow for weight loss and health.

His opening statement was…

“It turns out breakfast is NOT the most important meal of the day.”

That definitely grabs attention.

Hopefully, these examples give you some ideas.

Now, one further comment about using contradictory statements…

You don’t want to challenge deeply-held beliefs. You don’t want to “go for the jugular” too hard.

For instance, don’t go after politics or religion.

But you can challenge a certain aspect of doing business in a particular niche without upsetting people too much.

That’s fair game.

mlm lead generation

Next, you must demonstrate credibility and authority.

A credibility or an authority statement can be achieved with data, statistics, or social proof (such as testimonials).

Or it can be related to people you’ve helped accomplish certain results in your market.

For example, if you help somebody lose weight then you can specifically state what you’ve helped them accomplish.

And by doing that you’re sharing information that shows authority and also provides you with credibility.

Plus, when you share quantified data (in the form of numbers), people just automatically assume it’s true.

Authority is the product of such claims.

For example…

  • “I’ve helped X amount of people in this market.”
  • “I’ve helped X amount of people accomplish X, Y, Z.”

These type of statements position you as the authority on the subject matter in question.

Note: whenever you’re making a claim it’s important to state your results aren’t typical and you’re not guaranteeing anything.

You can also frame this in an expert positioning way by saying…

“My results aren’t typical and I certainly can’t guarantee your results, because I worked my tuchus off to get where I am today and most people aren’t willing to do the same. But if you’re highly motivated I can tell you this…”

One of my ads says…

“We taught these folks how to recruit without prospecting.”

That’s an attention-getting statement, yes, but it’s also an authority statement.

I said we taught these folks how to recruit without prospecting, and immediately following this claim, I detail a real-life case study.

This offers credibility because it’s proof that we’ve done what we said.

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Next, I’m going to discuss what makes your ad unique.

One of the features you’re presenting should be unique or different from what’s in the marketplace.

Or you’re simply sharing your story because your story is going to be unique from anybody else’s story.

An example of a unique promise or mechanism is, again, going back to the contradictory statement from before…

“We taught these folks how to recruit without prospecting.”

That’s compelling because recruiting without prospecting is unique in the marketplace.

I’d never heard that claim before.

Here’s another ad from our student, Hannah…

“When I changed my approach to what was talked about in this blog, prospecting became more fun and interested people started to reach out to me.”

That statement grabs attention (and might even build some rapport).

Here’s another one (that combines a few elements)…

“We taught these folks how to recruit without prospecting.”

What’s unique is saying, “interested people started reaching out to me,” because that’s not the normal experience of a network marketer.

People don’t reach out to you if you’re a network marketer; they run from you!

So that’s a unique promise.

Also, Hannah shares all these points in her ad through the telling of a story, telling her journey, so the entire ad is wrapped in something unique, which is her personal experience.

No one can take your personal experience from you.

It’s always going to be unique.

So number three is a unique promise or a personal story and number four is the thing that you must have in all of these.

mlm lead generation

You must convey to your audience there’s a benefit to receive.

The good thing is, if you share the results you’ve produced for people, it’s implied that you can help others get similar results as well.

There’s an implicit benefit, so in many ways, credibility elements also serve as benefits.

This is what I mean when I say these five elements don’t need to be addressed line-by-line.

You don’t need five different ideas, sentences, or paragraphs in the post.

The content can overlap and cover two different elements at the same time.

Like our example…

“We taught these folks how to recruit without prospecting.”

I already mentioned this grabs attention.

Plus, it also builds authority (and credibility via the case study).

It’s a unique promise and there’s an implied benefit: we’re going to show you how to recruit people.

It’s not explicit.

But it’s implied by saying, “We taught these folks how to recruit,” followed by, “Click here to learn more.”

Our student, Hannah, shares her story in one of her ads…

“I found a way to base my business at home to suit me and my family. No more prospecting friends and family. No more parties. No more awkward cold market prospecting.”

Hannah’s targeting network marketers for the purposes of providing training, and by the way, her statements are all true.

This is what we do here at Elite Marketing Pro, we teach network marketers how to do this type of stuff, so there’s nothing inaccurate about her ad.

Let’s say you’re in the weight loss market…

Your ad might say:

We show people how to lose weight…

  • Without dieting
  • Without exercise
  • Without injections

You offer them the benefit, and then if you want to enhance that benefit, you list out all the things that they don’t have to do (that they hate).

You provide the benefit without the pain normally associated with doing that thing.

Maybe you sell natural skincare that’s effective without chemicals.

Again, you have to be really careful when you’re advertising to make sure you don’t violate any rules with Facebook.

But, when you’re posting on your personal profile, you can pretty much get away with anything (though it’s always a good idea to keep in compliance with your company’s guidelines, of course).

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not encouraging you to make hyperbolic, ethically-borderline claims.

But you must always convey a benefit.

Last, but of great importance, is…

mlm lean generation

You must always include a call to action with some sort of urgency.

For instance, Hannah’s call to action is…

“Check it out or comment for more info and I’ll be in touch.”


She’s offering to engage in a conversation.

That’s a little bit different from what most advertisers are doing.

Now, a call to action can simply be…

“Click here to read more.”

Hannah’s targeting network marketers for the purposes of providing training, and by the way, her statements are all true.

This is what we do here at Elite Marketing Pro, we teach network marketers how to do this type of stuff, so there’s nothing inaccurate about her ad.

Let’s say you’re in the weight loss market…

Your ad might say:

We show people how to lose weight…

  • Without dieting
  • Without exercise
  • Without injections

Most simply, a call to action is you instructing your audience what to do next…

  1. “Click to see more”
  2. “Comment below for more information”

Option #2 is something I recommend for most network marketers.

If you’re doing a post, ask people to comment below or send you a private message—that’s a call to action.

Why would you do that?

Well, because you’re getting them to reach out to you as opposed to you prospecting and reaching out to them.

The point of passive marketing or passive prospecting is for people to reach out to you

Now you just need to add urgency.

How can you give them a reason to act now?

Well, let’s say it’s a weight loss product of some kind; you can say…

  • Only ten available!
  • Offering these free for a limited time!
  • Offering a discount for a limited time!

You create urgency so that they reach out and take action now.

Now, sure, not every post or every ad needs urgency, but it is very useful and underutilized.

Don’t spam your links!

When I’ve mentioned, “click to read more,” as the call to action in some of the examples above, the ad in question is taking the audience to a piece of content that’s informational in nature (much like the post you’re reading now).

The content is not trying to hard-sell them on an opportunity, it’s offering them more value.

However, in the network marketing space, if you’re just trying to generate more prospects for your business, then I recommend your call to action is to have people comment or private message you for more information.

It’s the quickest and most efficient way of doing so.

Do that and…

You’re going to immediately generate more prospects and leads

Ignore the training your company gave you if they’re telling you to spam your links and the product all over the place.

And if you just take action on what I shared with you here, I guarantee you’ll be getting much better results than whatever your company is teaching you.

Now, here at Elite Marketing Pro, we primarily focus on how to leverage paid Facebook advertising (as opposed to using your personal profile).

Personal profile updates are cool, sure, and you can get traction there, but advertising can reach further—a lot further.

Imagine being able to expose your message to millions of people for a few extra bucks a day.

Using paid advertising, you’re able to scale your efforts and your team members will be able to scale as well.


Ferny Ceballos
Chief Marketing Officer
Elite Marketing Pro


Resources To Grow Your Business With


Building an email list of a growing audience is essential for the longevity of any business.  This autoresponder service is easy to use, and it is a great starting point for someone looking to kickstart their email campaign. You can try their free account here.

Attraction Marketing Formula

If you have been struggling to recruit more people and just tired of the rejections. Here’s a way to automate your prospecting and build a system that passively attracts people to your business, all online, while you sleep … then I strongly encourage check out this product here.

You’ll learn how to grow your network marketing business, without dealing with rejection. You’ll learn how to recruit people without the daily grind of prospecting!

So if you’re ready to get started…

Simply click here now 

Bye for now,

Jason Ou

A Roadmap to Creating an Online Brand in Network Marketing

A Roadmap to Creating an Online Brand in Network Marketing

jason ou

A Roadmap to Creating an Online Brand in Network Marketing

Want to know how attraction marketing can really help build your network marketing business quickly, side-step rejection, and also pave the way for easier prospecting and recruiting? Before I get onto that, please spare me a quick minute… During your network marketing journey, have you ever wondered how a well-respected, and successful person joins an organization and literally overnight pull dozens, if not hundreds, of people join him or her? These successful network marketers seem to, at a click of their fingers, create “immediate” success, right? With a few phone calls, a text here and there, and bang … a posse joins his or her team. It’s like a social organization (a fellowship) that is built on trust, and literally gives total advantage to that person – which is a major component in attraction marketing. Although their success was not built overnight, these people had established themselves with a successful reputation, and as a result, had built a following. That is because, their followers liked and trusted them – their BRAND. More importantly, people follow winners. And this is the crucial basis of personal branding. A highly regarded ‘brand’ is built on a following, a solid reputation, and results. Now, most of us just starting out do not have that type of pull nor a big network of connections to create that advantage. But it is possible to create that advantage for yourself. And that is, leveraging attraction marketing. Without question, regardless of your background, attraction marketing can help anyone to create that advantage. To accomplish that, you will need to invest in two areas – yourself and your team. By investing in yourself you are building your knowledge, your confidence and your value. And by investing your effort and time in your followers, you are helping them to grow and achieve success. This is, in essence attraction marketing. The more you invest in your own self worth, the larger a following will grow. The more you invest in your recruits, the more they will duplicate and invest in their own followings. Remember the people with that brand advantage – guess what, they have invested in themselves and they have invested their effort in OTHERS over the time too. Anyways, this will take time. Rome was not built overnight, so why would your brand and reputation be built that swiftly? The reality is, it will take a bit of your effort and time to have things rolling. It could be 6 months or even 1 year.  But it is still way more easier and faster than home meetings, face to face meet-ups and pestering all your contacts on your phone. So let’s get onto the roadmap to creating that online brand.

FREE Guide


Phase 1 – Social Media Post

First, let ‘s be clear: network marketing is different to attraction marketing. Both requires it’s own skill to master

Network marketing requires the knowledge and skill to train your team of followers, build an engaging community, and developing leaders.

Whilst attraction marketing requires the skill to automate most of the system efficiently and leveraging it to convert the leads.

With that said …

Focus on learning and mastering, just one thing …

Facebook Sponsored Social Media Posts

We can talk all day about the advantages and disadvantages of other social media platforms, but Facebook presents a huge opportunity. And it should be the first social media site to begin with.

Once you have mastered Facebook and leveraged most of the traffic you can garner, then the likes of Instagram, Pinterest and so on, maybe considered.

With Facebook sponsored social media posts, you will learn how to craft the right message to the right target audience and attract an endless supply of prospects.

And once your prospects start engaging with your insightful posts, the attraction marketing system that you have in place takes over and converts them into leads – by this stage, they will have given their contact information for you to follow-up.

With this permission marketing set up, you can email them, PM them on Facebook or reach out to them.

But don’t expect your prospects to pull out their wallet for you.  Instead, you will be providing them with loads of value to keep them informed and engaged. This strategy helps build the rapport with them.

Even if they do not sign-up or buy directly from you, you will still have the opportunity to direct prospects to products or services that will benefit their business and earn commissions off them (or money from your own digital products).

Which will help cover your operating costs.

Phase 2 – Build Your Personal Brand

In Phase 1, it’s about building a following – a few prospects in your system.

Regardless of the number leads or new recruits or sales you have generated, the biggest factor is this:

You have people to communicate and engage with you.

At this stage, it is about the development of your personal brand, you are getting results and naturally, your prospects will want to learn more about you and the steps you’ve taken. Now, that positions you as the goto person, the leader.

During this new phase, you should be sending out useful information (emails, videos, and links to your own blog posts) to your prospects, your followers.

This phase here helps you build a  relationship with your followers – they learn more about you and you get to build your reputation.

By investing in your followers, your brand grows.

Now, follow the 80/20 rule.

  • Spend 80% of your time and effort on delivering value
  • Spend 20% of your time recruiting & promoting the business

Once or twice a month, hold an online webinar presentation and invite prospects to check out your opportunity. With this method, you will evaluate how he or she might be able to team up with you.

At the conclusion of the webinar presentation, invite them to join your team.

Then you will assess, interview and choose the candidate.

Hope you get this here – there’s no more convincing! People are reaching out to you to work with YOU!

As your following and online personal brand grows, the number and quality of people wanting to join increases.

Right here, you are getting serious leads – the people who wants to join your team

Phase 2 may take 6 to 12 months to completely take place. But the number of people joining your network marketing business will steadily grow.

But the best part is, you are creating an asset, and that is

  • Your growing number of followers
  • Your own list of email and contact
  • Your advantage via social media

As your brand builds, you now enter the third and final phase of the Attraction Marketing Roadmap.

Phase 3 – Attracting The Whales

You will know it when you have reached this phase.  It is when you have the brand, the skills, the results to attract the influencers – the “whales.”

With your growing brand, the industry leaders begin to notice and they start following you.

And when they see the value of partnering up with you, they will reach out.

If you are attracting good leaders, and something has put them off with their company’s direction, financial situation, or integrity – you will be the first on their mind.

The reason, you have created your own attraction marketing system, and have produced results, great value, and solid reputation, leaders will want to team with you when it is time for that change.

Attraction Marketing is Not A Race

Hopefully, the 3 phases of attraction marketing has brought some light to the opportunity of growing your brand online. As you may a better insight as to things work with attraction marketing, we hope you can see that it is the best way to build a network marketing business.

“Oh Jason! It’s too much work”.

Nothing comes easy, but if you give yourself a realistic time frame and invest in yourself (and your followers) to grow, it will come.

I look forward to your success.


Jason Ou

P.S In case you’re one of the people (like me) who skim to the P.S before you read the page, here’s what this is about:

1. If you need help to attract the best prospects online, you can contact me here.

2. Two online personal branding strategies to create credibility with your audience.

how do you build a network marketing team

Resources To Grow Your Business With


Building an email list of a growing audience is essential for the longevity of any business.  This autoresponder service is easy to use, and it is a great starting point for someone looking to kickstart their email campaign. You can try their free account here.

Attraction Marketing Formula

If you have been struggling to recruit more people and just tired of the rejections. Here’s a way to automate your prospecting and build a system that passively attracts people to your business, all online, while you sleep … then I strongly encourage check out this product here.

You’ll learn how to grow your network marketing business, without dealing with rejection. You’ll learn how to recruit people without the daily grind of prospecting!

So if you’re ready to get started…

Simply click here now 

Bye for now,

Jason Ou

3 Surefire Ways to Expand Your Network Marketing Business

3 Surefire Ways to Expand Your Network Marketing Business

jason ou

3 Surefire Ways to Expand Your Network Marketing Business

I’ve been involved in the internet marketing space for a number of years, and it is with no surprise that many people have built successful businesses and network marketing businesses with the Internet. 

And, not surprisingly, there are still many that still don’t believe or understand these Internet marketing methods. In fact, most leaders in the network marketing space believe it is a “distraction”. Now that is just poo.

So, in light of this, I’m going to layout 3 Internet recruiting methods that you should be using to build a successful network marketing business today!

FREE Guide

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This method is quite a common social media approach, and it is online prospecting with a twist. It literally requires 4 step component – search, qualify, message and book.


Utilise the ‘Facebook Search’ to locate “Friends of Friends” who live nearby or locally (to begin with), as this makes the face to face appointment easier.

Since you have no prior relationship, it is important to personally meet. But if for whatever reason that is cannot be done, applications like zoom, whatsapp and others makes it convenient.

The great thing is, Facebook permits you to directly message “Friends of Friends”!  That means your well crafted message is fed into their main inbox.

Secondly, you start with local because it will allow you to eventually meet face-to-face with them to form a more powerful personal connection.


Before you craft a personalized message, you will need to prospect and qualify. So take a minute to research their profile for any key interests that may resonate with well with you, your products or your business.

So if he or she has an interest in Robert Kiyosaki, this may show that they are open to business opportunities and other income streams.

But if they are more into Tabata Training, then a health and wellness product will be a great product.

Also look out for other subtle pointers:

  • Are they smiling in the photos?
  • Do they appear to be outgoing and positive?


After the pre-qualifying research has been conducted, then it is time to craft your first message.

You can create a template for the message, but not the cut and paste kind of message. Each message has to be tailored for them individually, and will mention names of friends you both know.

From there, you simply throw the ball in the air and see if they swing back.

In the message, mention that you are a recruiter for a “health & wellness” company (or whatever the niche is), and looking to “expand in the area”, and you just want to touch base if they are “open” to the opportunity to earn an extra income

But DO NOT copy & paste messages with links to sign up.

It is just not effective, and it is considered SPAM by Facebook.   So don’t get locked out by Facebook.

With the first contact message, your aim is to get a reply of any interest.

4.) BOOK

If they swing back, quickly book a face-to-face appointment – locally or via Zoom, Facebook, Whatsapp, etc to explain in person and build a connection.

If they do not reply to the your first contact message, don’ be discouraged.

Follow up with a 2nd message 4 days days later.

The 2nd message is a short message to see if they received the message and whether they have any interest.

Sometimes people are just simply too busy to reply back or do not see the messages.

If you still do not get a reply, assume it is a “NO”. Being too pushy is just nad practice.

Moving on … this is just the tip of the iceberg.

jason k ou

This is a straight-forward strategy, and boils down to your personality.

This requires you posting and sharing your results on social media, and see if people express any interest in the comments section or via private message.

As well, to boost response or results,  a CALL TO ACTION is posted to contact you if they are keen to know more.

So what’s in the posting?

This method requires sharing pictures and announcements about your journey from income results to the positive impact it has made on your lifestyle.

Or ‘lead with the product’ angle…

This method will help to create more customers and a few of them may express an interest in the business opportunity after they have become raving fans of the product.

For example, if you were in the travel nice, you can post photos of the luxury hotel stays and vacation and post how inexpensive it was for that 5 star experience. 

The goal is to showcase how much of an impact the product has made with people who are connect with you on social media.

When they post a comment, you reply back to close.

mlm lead generation

This simple strategy has nothing to do with messaging strangers with templated messages like in Method #1. Nor does it require filling your friend’s News Feeds with postings of the product or opportunity as in Method #2. It is my favourite method, and hopefully, you will see the real nugget in this marketing method.

Not only will it build your brand, it is really a passive method of generating leads reaching out to you for more information.  Imagining waking up in the morning to a inbox of notifications from

  • Hot prospects keen to know more about the product, opportunity or mentorship.
  • New CUSTOMERS who just cannot wait to get their hands on the product.
  • Or, new DISTRIBUTORS ready to  sign up  with you!.

With this method, it about setting up a system to create a sales funnel that will generate the leads, capturing those leads and warming up the leads with a series of automated, useful information (and/or directing them to your blog) and converting them into a customer or distributor.

And it will work for you 24/7.

This can be all done using a simple WordPress website to create a landing page with an opt-in form to grab the details of the prospect using an autoresponder. From there, your autoresponder service will distribute your series of email lessons that offers value to your readers.

By giving more, you will build both trust and your brand. Your brand becomes that valuable asset.

As mentioned earlier, method 3 is my favourite … and it is the most efficient and time friendly way to grow your network marketing business on auto-pilot.

If you want to learn more, simply sign up for the free guide here and you will get a straight-forward plan to position yourself, so you will never have to annoy or pester everybody, anyone, ever, to “have a look”.

But like any business or study, this will take work and effort on you part to make this work.



Jason Ou

how do you build a network marketing team

Resources To Grow Your Business With

WPX Hosting

It’s a web-hosting service I love using.  It specializes in WordPress hosting, and depending on what package you opt for, you can host 5 or more sites on one account. The best bit is – the quick turnaround in support is top notch.

You can learn more about this service here.


Building an email list of a growing audience is essential for the longevity of any business.  This autoresponder service is easy to use, and it is a great starting point for someone looking to kickstart their email campaign. You can try their free account here.

Attraction Marketing Formula

If you have been struggling to recruit more people and just tired of the rejections. Here’s a way to automate your prospecting and build a system that passively attracts people to your business, all online, while you sleep … then I strongly encourage check out this product here.

You’ll learn how to grow your network marketing business, without dealing with rejection. You’ll learn how to recruit people without the daily grind of prospecting!

So if you’re ready to get started…

Simply click here now 

Bye for now,

Jason Ou

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