One Simple Effective Tool To Launch Your Business

One Simple Effective Tool To Launch Your Business

One Simple Effective Tool To Launch Your Business

In case you missed it, in my most recent post, I shared 5 reasons why your personal brand matters and how you can build credibility online so you can drive more sales and signup. Read it here

A big reason why I wanted to start my own business was to create more financial freedom for my family and build up that private school fund for both my kids.

My definition of freedom means more time working at home and more quality time spent with the family.

But, the thought of running around and arranging appointments to see the next prospect about the product and business opportunity, even having home parties was not something I wanted to think about.

Not so long ago, I used to cold call local businesses about my service.

Although I had success with it, I just didn’t enjoy the time spent to land a lead. Go though the process of convincing.

The experience of just calling up businesses was not fun. It was nerve wrecking. And the rejections didn’t help.

I wish I knew before I started chasing, it would lead to a lot of stress.

But, when I found this product that showed how I could attract my ideal prospects without being annoying or salesy, I decided to focus on helping people out by posting content that my readers wanted to consume.

I also noticed the top notch leaders had their own blog. They posted solid content that benefited their readers. Which helped boost their credibility, boost their brand and of course, with such a strong presence online, the website helped attract endless new prospects to them automatically. 

And I hear you …

Can I Just Create My Own Website?

Yes, anyone can. It’s not expensive. And it’s easy to start one. Keep reading to find out.

With that said, I began my entrepreneurial journey by starting my own blog and Facebook fan page.

Look, my website is not the best looking website.  It’s reasonable, but it took me only an hour using both Canva and WordPress to put it together.  I’ll probably improve the aesthetic down the road.

If you simply “Google” how to use WordPress, you’ll get truckloads of information to help you set up one.

FREE Guide


How Can I Create My Own Website at Home?

  1. Register your own domain name (preferably your name), from Namesheap or Namesilo.
  2. Choose a web-hosting service (Hostgator, Bluehost, etc).
  3. Install WordPress (it’s free).
  4. Choose one of the many free themes within WordPress, or buy one that is customizable.
  5. Build out your website content.

The Priority

My priority then and now, is to build my personal brand by sharing the knowledge and experience I have learnt and help people along their own path. Always.

You see … I want to be that person everyone can count on. Hopefully, I will be for you.

My own blog is the perfect springboard for building authority and credibility in the reader’s mind.

Plus the fun in building your website (if you choose to), is to learn something new and teach other people …

  • Using WordPress
  • Use the best plugins
  • Designing graphics
  • Social media marketing
  • Content management
  • Website hosting
  • Email marketing
  • Best website practices

It just builds your personal development, confidence, and knowledge.

You see, just by researching, going through other trainings, you can share and inform people simply by writing. Delivering content of value.

Which also, gives you the inside-out knowledge to apply in other areas of the business.

Having your own blog gives you that presence and a voice.

Even if you are brand new and have no runs on the board, your readers will look to you as someone who is credible. Someone who consistently provides value through your own blog.

Although you are not ‘tooting’ your own credibility, your readers will take you seriously.

Seriously, it’s a far better option than cold calling people or having that home party.

So if you want to build a presence online (and with social), then you just have to simply start building your own blog now.

Put in the effort to post content (text, video, or podcast), and invite others to follow your journey.

And as long as you provide value to your readers, showcase what you stand for, you can build trust and passively generate leads to your business.

FREE Guide


But …

“But Jason, what about YouTube, Facebook or LinkedIn?”

You can … but I wouldn’t recommend  it.

You see with your own blog you have total control, you own your own domain name, you own your design and no one can shut you down or take it away from you.

With Facebook or YouTube, you have to follow their rules and you are limited to what you can do with it. So you have no control or whatever say in it.

Plus, your account can be easily be shut down, and you will lose all your great content.

Your blog is your business!  No one else’s.

You just have to look back at the issues surrounding Tik Tok in mid 2020.

President Trump had threatened to close off Tik Tok’s access to the US market. You can imagine the panic the users of Tik Tok were going through!

I experienced it with Squidoo 7 years ago when my account was shut down and all my content was lost. I lost big time with my online sales.

And now Squidoo has disappeared. It was a great lesson.

So don’t put in all your effort and content on any site you have no control over.

When I post any informative content on Facebook, I’ll direct prospects straight to my blog.

And when you use social media like Facebook to direct traffic to your blog, your website will do the grunt work … and work 24/7 for you, everyday!

Can you see now the advantages of starting your own blog over other social media sites?

If your brand is coupled with a robust website with any social media marketing, you can easily drive people to your blog, who are reaching out to you wanting more information about your business, product or service, and you will have people signing up to your email system or buying products.

Now, that’s SWEET.

In Summary …

Look, Facebook, Youtube and other Social Media sites are fantastic, but it should be used as a tool to drive visitors to your blog.

Your own blog is the most effective tool that you have total control over, and it is the platform for launching your personal brand, business opportunity, product and service.

But, if you are find the personal branding stuff still daunting, then I highly recommend you sign up for The Home Business Smart Guide here.

It’s a straight forward 12 page guide where you will learn how to create a serious brand for your business using Social Media —where hot prospects come to you round the clock —interested in your product, service or business!

No matter where you’re at with your business, even if you are a newbie, you can learn these simple methods starting today.

Why not start building your own blog today, and boost your credibility with your audience.

Until then, here are a few other posts about build your home business online you might enjoy:

Looking to building trust and credibility as a leader? Here are the 5 factors you should focus on, so you connect with the people you want and achieve a desired outcome.

Ever wondered how to get more customers and teammates online? Here 6 key strategies to growing your network marketing business without being annoying.

P.S In case you’re one of the people (like me) who skim to the P.S before you read the page, here’s what this is about:

1. The one asset you need so you can create a financial hub to draw in the best prospects into your orbit.

2. Why focusing your energy and time on Facebook, or even Youtube will leave you in less control of your business.


Resources To Grow Your Business With


Building an email list of a growing audience is essential for the longevity of any business.  This autoresponder service is easy to use, and it is a great starting point for someone looking to kickstart their email campaign. You can try their free account here.

Attraction Marketing Formula

If you have been struggling to recruit more people and just tired of the rejections. Here’s a way to automate your prospecting and build a system that passively attracts people to your business, all online, while you sleep … then I strongly encourage check out this product here.

You’ll learn how to grow your network marketing business, without dealing with rejection. You’ll learn how to recruit people without the daily grind of prospecting!

So if you’re ready to get started…

Simply click here now 

Bye for now,

Jason Ou

Top 5 Reasons To Building Your Personal Online Brand

Top 5 Reasons To Building Your Personal Online Brand

Top 5 Reasons To Building Your Personal Online Brand

In case you missed it, in my most recent post, I shared 20 social media post frameworks you can steal so you can crank out more, and impactful articles for your readers. Read it here.

Picture this:

You’ve been into this company for a bit. You’re using the products yourself. You’re raving about it to friends and family.

And you’re making a bit, but not a huge amount. But, you’re ok with it.

But … “What if overnight, your network marketing company goes bust?”

You’ll be pretty ticked off. And so will your customers.

Which means, you have to restart all over again. And with a new company. Frustrating.


You probably have heard this a lot, but building your personal brand online is so important … and it is for a good reason.

(It’s something I wish I knew when I first started and having to deal with rejections.)

When you consistently deliver content that helps your reader. Content that he or she wants to read, it is one of the most effective ways to build the trust, and influence.

Because with a strong personal brand you can passively generate leads, customers and new reps online.

Better yet, it is a far better option then hounding your friends and relatives, arranging home parties, hotel meetings just to find the people who will take the time to listen and have an inkling of interest about your product, service or business.

So with all that laid out, why wouldn’t you want to build your own personal brand?

If businesses like Coca Cola, Nike and Apple spend big money to advertise their brand to remind customers and prospects about their store or product, so why can’t you?

Why personal branding is important?

Click Here For The Guide





Your own personal brand is not much different to a business brand.

For one, you don’t have to spend a lot of money marketing yourself. Just a few simple online tools needed to develop a brand that people can trust, and a brand that provides value for their followers.

If You Are Not A Brand, You Are A Commodity.

Robert Kiyosaki

But what if I am new to network marketing?

Here’s a great quote from Seth Godin :

A brand is the set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another.

Really, it is not about how successful you are. Like most of us starting out, I had this worry at the beginning.  I’m not this expert yet, but it doesn’t matter.

That’s the great thing about branding yourself, we all have to start somewhere,  and that means

  • You don’t have to be this major Guru.
  • You don’t have to have an impressive resume.
  • You don’t have to be making lots of money.

That’s not what this is all about.

Your readers just really wants to know what’s in it for them and they want value provided to them and they want their problem solved.

Top 5 Reasons To Build a You Inc …

Click Here For The Guide





You Get to Stand Out

The cool thing is, nobody else can brand you.

Nobody can. Only you. And that’s what makes you so unique.

Branding you is what makes you stick out from the crowd. You are going to stand out for being you.

It Builds Trust

If people don’t know you, like you or even trust you, they will not have any interest.

But with a strong personal brand that focuses on providing value, people will  trust you more. Let’s face it, people do not join companies or join business opportunities, they join you because they trust and like you as a person.

People will buy from you, and not from the company.

So if you treat your personal brand like a business, while maintaining a personal tone to your brand, you will inspire more trust with your audience.

Companies Come And Go

Ask yourself this, if your company goes out of business or make huge changes that will affect your income or changes it’s business philosophy that doesn’t match yours, what will happen to your business?

You have set yourself up for a big fall, right?

So please don’t go all out promoting someone else’s business that you have no control over, instead take control of your personal brand, and give value to your target audience.

It Open Doors to Opportunities

A trusted personal brand is a stepping stone to creating multiple streams of income.

If people trust and know you, you’ve got people that are going to continuously buy from you. 

And because you’re not just stuck in one company, you can branch out, create your own product line, sell coaching services and generate other multiple streams of income, instead of just the one business opportunity.

More Freedom

If you want more time, more freedom and a better lifestyle is what you want, then your goal is to have a residual income.

So start branding yourself online now.

My day to day routine includes posting out videos, helpful blog posts and social media posts that will bring in leads and sales for me even while I’m sleeping.

Best of all, I have an automated system that will warm prospects to customers and eventually enrolling them into the team with a series of emails lined up.

If you are interested to find out more, you can check out this FREE guide here.

It just frees up my time to get on with other more important stuff.

Click Here For The Guide





So Where Do I start?

Everyone, including me and you have to start somewhere.

You just have to think of two solid personal brands like Oprah and Ellen.

Both ladies started as a nobody, but by creating a brand that continually offers value to their audience, you can see where they are at today.

With your own personal brand, you don’t have to be an expert, you don’t have to be making huge amounts of money right now … it is about focusing on how to fix the problems and struggles of your prospect – your target audience.

So start by nailing down your target audience, help them out by delivering value (social content marketing, video marketing, blogging, email marketing … whichever that suits you), keep on delivering good content, guide them in the right direction and point them to useful resources that will make you money.

If your personal brand is seen as someone who is trustworthy, reliable and can help people solve their problems and reach their goals, you will attract a following that will grow your business fast even if you are new.

So get cracking, find ‘your why’ you want to get on this journey and focus on providing value for your target audience.

This Is Not a Race

Seriously this will require a lot effort and determination. It will not come easy!

But, if you set a reasonable long term goal and put in the time and effort, you will see results.

However, if you are still unsure where to begin, then I highly recommend you sign up for The Home Business Smart Action Guide.

It’s a FREE guide and you will learn how to create a serious business using the latest tips and technology—where hot prospects come to you everyday—interested in your product, service or business!

You can learn these simple methods starting today—no matter where you’re at with your network marketing business.

Until then, here are a few other posts about build your home business online you might enjoy:

If you want to speak to high quality prospects, here are 3 questions you have to ask so you can attract the right person to your business.

Want to avoid the commone pitfalls of starting a home business online, follow these 4 tips to kickstart your network marketing business online.

Click Here For The Guide





Resources To Grow Your Business With


Building an email list of a growing audience is essential for the longevity of any business.  This autoresponder service is easy to use, and it is a great starting point for someone looking to kickstart their email campaign. You can try their free account here.

Attraction Marketing Formula

If you have been struggling to recruit more people and just tired of the rejections. Here’s a way to automate your prospecting and build a system that passively attracts people to your business, all online, while you sleep … then I strongly encourage check out this product here.

You’ll learn how to grow your network marketing business, without dealing with rejection. You’ll learn how to recruit people without the daily grind of prospecting!

So if you’re ready to get started…

Simply click here now 

Bye for now,

Jason Ou

The 3 Questions Every Network Marketer Must Ask to Finding Red Hot Prospects

The 3 Questions Every Network Marketer Must Ask to Finding Red Hot Prospects

The 3 Questions Every Network Marketer Must Ask to Finding Red Hot Prospects

Are you sick and tired of the rejections and prospecting? I was.

I chased 2 of my mates. Got the rejection. And it felt really awkward. It didn’t feel right plugging a product that didn’t match their profile.

Let’s face it, it’s really hard work plucking up the courage to approach strangers or people in a social setting about the business.

It’s stressful!

The old traditional technique of focusing your efforts on chasing people, friends and relatives can be fruitful for some, but for most people (like myself), it’s stupidly, stressful.

I guess it’s why a lot people become disillusioned and drop out of the network marketing business.

And I don’t get how jotting a list of all your contacts on your phone and burning through them about this fantastic opportunity that will change their lives can work.

In fact most contacts on your list may not be even interested in a product or even in a business opportunity because they may not be open to the idea or a need for it right now.

It’s literally like pitching a weight loss product to a fitness fanatic or a skinny person.

Take for example, my friend Chris.

  • He’s happy at his 9 to 5 day job
  • He get’s good pay
  • Running his own business is not on his to do list
  • He’s a fitness geek, runs daily to stay in shape. He’s fit, and what’s more he plans his meals carefully.

Does it make sense that I should plug a weight loss product to him? Do you think he is the right person to talk to?

But he is on my contact list!

And say, if I approached him about a business opportunity, he’ll most likely reject me because he’s happy where he is right now.

That might change down the road … but who knows?

So hunting him down is like throwing spaghetti on the wall and hoping that it will stick.

Going about it this way leads to more frustration, and a complete waste of your time

But There’s a Better Way!

An important step is to decide the type of target audience you want to reach out.  When you reach out to the right audience the attention factor goes up and you will experience more positive feedback because these are the group of people already looking for a solution to their problem.

In order to identify your prospects there are three key questions you need to ask.

FREE Guide


3 Must Have Questions

1. What kind of people do I want to attract?

So take the time to list out who are these types of people you want to target from gender, age group, moms, dads, families, do they have kids, type of employment, where do they live and so on.

By developing a customer profile with a detailed description of your audience from the age group, gender, marital status, income, interest, values, attitudes and so on, it helps you to identify the type of audience that will buy your products and services.

So ask yourself this, if you had to choose your audience, what qualities are you looking for?

2. What are they looking for? What are their biggest problems, pain and fears I can solve?

In other words, what keeps your perfect prospects up at night?

Detailing this area will help you pinpoint the people that will benefit the most, as well have the ability to continually buy from you.

3. What are their desires and dreams in life?

Being able to offer that solution to help them reach his or her goal will go a long way in building the trust.

That’s Where The Value Comes In!

Jason KM Ou
mlm leads

When you understand your target audience you will know their needs and it’s much easier to figure the right solution to their desire and strike that conversation.

Otherwise not understanding your market will be a difficult process in finding a prospect that is willing to listen to you.

After you’re able to attract the right people to your product, service or network marketing, you will get better at recruiting and enrolling them into your team.

The reason is, you are focused at addressing their needs with a solution.

So what else can you do to get more trust in your business?

Provide value and over deliver. It’s the way to build your brand.

And you can use a simple system (which I outlined here) to attract hot prospects to your team with an effective social media campaign to build your brand today.

The system I use has helped me attract prospects like yourself to me, online, and has helped draw more targeted leads to my funnel 24 hours a day … and on autopilot.

Not knowing its target can be a big mistake for a business. Trying to rustle new clients or customers without knowing who it will target can cost the business a lot of time and money. – Carl Kenton, Investopedia

So know your target audience well and create content that will grab their attention.


Jason Ou


Resources To Grow Your Business With


Building an email list of a growing audience is essential for the longevity of any business.  This autoresponder service is easy to use, and it is a great starting point for someone looking to kickstart their email campaign. You can try their free account here.

Attraction Marketing Formula

If you have been struggling to recruit more people and just tired of the rejections. Here’s a way to automate your prospecting and build a system that passively attracts people to your business, all online, while you sleep … then I strongly encourage check out this product here.

You’ll learn how to grow your network marketing business, without dealing with rejection. You’ll learn how to recruit people without the daily grind of prospecting!

So if you’re ready to get started…

Simply click here now 

Bye for now,

Jason Ou

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How to Turn Perfect Strangers into Passionate Business-Builders Using Online Sales Funnels

How to Turn Perfect Strangers into Passionate Business-Builders Using Online Sales Funnels

jason ou

How to Turn Perfect Strangers into Passionate Business-Builders Using Online Sales Funnels

Fabulous article by Ferny. A must read for any aspiring network marketers looking to creates a sales funnel with attraction marketing – from grabbing cold leads to reach out to you and becoming a prospect, connect and teach, convert, join your team and become a leader, whilst also building a system that can be duplicated and leveraged! In other words, creating true leaders in your organization, so you can step back and build the passive income. 

If you’ve ever visited an IKEA (or even your local grocery store), then you’ve experienced what’s called a “sales funnel.”

Basically, a sales funnel is a carefully-controlled environment that’s designed to encourage you to fill your shopping cart.

Think about IKEA: you are literally “funneled” through an entire showroom BEFORE you reach the warehouse to pick up your items, thereby exposing you to significantly more products than you were interested in.

(…like when you just went for another KALLAX and wound up wanting to remodel your entire kitchen.)

Even your local grocery store is carefully crafted to provide more opportunities to make you want more items…

Milk, cheese, eggs, and meat are spread out around the perimeter so you have to circumnavigate the entire store to buy the most common staples…

Not to mention how the checkout aisle provides ample last-minute temptations to maximize your checkout value!

It’s an awful clever trick on their part, but here’s the good news…

Your business can benefit immensely from such sales funnels too!

In fact, they can become the major driver of your marketing efforts online.

And on that note, I’m about to reveal…

How YOU can turn absolute strangers into passionate business-builders using online funnels

Plus, in the video below, I’m also going to explain how these funnels have been used to build HUGE network marketing organizations, and how you can unlock these powerful recruiting systems to grow your team.

FREE Guide


Here at Elite Marketing Pro, we’ve been using funnels since 2002 (…yeah, way back when Internet marketing was in its infancy.)

In essence…

A sales funnel is THE cornerstone of any attraction marketing system

It’s a step-by-step process that guides a cold market prospect from perfect stranger, to customer, and eventually, to an advocate of your business.

Here’s an example…

As you walk down the street, you see a guitar in a music shop window.

You happen to be a guitar enthusiast.

You say to yourself, “Oh, interesting.”

And then you walk through the door.

As you enter the store, someone greets you by saying, “Hi, welcome to our store. Can I help you?”

You answer, “Yes, I’m looking to get a guitar. That one in the window caught my eye; can you help me?”

The person asks you a few questions…

  • “What do you like to play?”
  • “What kind of music do you like?”
  • “How much experience do you have?”

After you answer those questions, the conversation shifts.

The person says, “Well, you know, that guitar is awesome, but for where you’re at right now, I’d recommend this guitar over here.”

Eventually, you walk out of that store with a guitar.

And lo and behold…

You had such a great experience you tell your friends about your experience!

Now you’re an advocate.

And that, right there, is a funnel.

You went through a series of steps that transformed you from someone who wasn’t even thinking about buying a guitar into someone who spent hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars on a guitar – all in a matter of minutes!

And if you really got value out of the education, recommendations, and experience provided by said store, you’ll likely refer all of your guitar-loving friends to that shop, right?

mlm lead generation

Sound familiar?

Now, does that stuff all work?

Absolutely! But those activities are VERY time-intensive and inefficient.

And in today’s age…

Why wouldn’t you want to take advantage of more “modern” options that aren’t as time and travel intensive?

Today, there’s one option you may have already heard of…

Facebook and the other social media platforms allow us to connect with people…

Without EVER requiring us to leave home!

In fact, my friend Julie Burke recruited 80% of her team of 8,300 distributors using Facebook—while at home, raising her two boys, in just a couple of years.

That’s incredible!

But even with what Julie did with prospecting and recruiting on social media, is still a bit time consuming and there’s still a lot of sifting and sorting involved.

You still gotta eliminate and disqualify the a-holes, the tire-kickers, and the curious to find the few serious ones.

We helped Julie develop her new social media skills, which means she no longer has to prospect at all (offline or online).

People reach out to her everyday interested in joining her opportunity (just last month she sponsored 45 people who reached out to her), and this skill has resulted in her growing a million-dollar home business empire.

This skill, in my opinion, is the #1 skill you can learn today as a network marketer to create maximum leverage, help you recruit more people and you’re upline likely has no clue about… yet!

What is that skill?

When that salesperson in the store asks questions, they’re doing so make you feel understood, to educate you, and to make sure they serve you in the best way possible.

An online funnel does exactly that.

You start by making a few assumptions about what interests the person visiting your site or clicking on your ad.

Then you share value and educate them.

mlm lead generation

And if the prospect feels good about the interaction, you’ll make a sale.

Ultimately, if they got REAL value out of doing business with you, they’ll recommend you, and go on to spread your good word increasing your internet marketing.

Pretty straightforward, right?


A sales funnel is a process that transforms people from strangers, to customers, to advocates

An online funnel starts by offering your visitor something of value in exchange for their contact information.

At this point, you know they’re interested in what you have because they’ve given you their information.

That makes them a lead.

Providing value to that lead warms them up.

And once they’re warmed up, they become a prospect.

jason ou

You’ll share value until you propose an offer.

And once they accept your offer, they become a customer.

This process can take as little as a few minutes or as long as hours, days, weeks, or even months.


The power of funnels are they allow your prospects to move at their own pace

Your job is to keep providing value and keep following up until they become a customer.

But that’s not where the funnel ends.

If you want to be really effective – especially in network marketing – your goal is to turn that customer into a recurring customer.

There are several ways to do that.

jason ou
  • Offer discounts for continuing to buy from you (like a loyalty program)
  • Continue to educate and provide value to them
  • Provide such quality service and appreciation they wouldn’t even think of buying anyone else

Once they become a recurring customer, they become an advocate—referring business to you because they believe so strongly in what you’re doing.

That’s what an effective sales funnel does.

It works from the front end all the way through the back end – even after they become a customer.


In network marketing, using the principles of attraction marketing, the funnel process works like this…

It starts with a visitor.

The visitor becomes a lead when they submit their information – on a website, a web form of some kind, or some type of capture mechanism – because they’re interested in learning about something, but they’re not necessarily ready to buy.

At this point, hold your horses; don’t get excited.

They’re not ready to join you…yet.

jason ou

You give them some value, they get warmed up.

They become a prospect only when they raise their hand and say…

“Hey, I’m actually pretty serious about doing this, I want to learn some more.”

Visitor, lead, prospect.

You share some information – you direct them to a video or they hop on a webinar, or they are added to your Facebook group to get more specific information.

Now they’re ready to become a team member.

But that’s not where it ends.


If you want to build a massive organization of people who are raging fans of you, your product, and your company…

…then that’s certainly not where it ends!

You’re just getting started.

A lot of network marketers mess up because they stop there.

Many network marketers think just recruiting is enough.

That’s inaccurate. Recruiting is never enough when marketing on the internet.

mlm lead generation

What should happen is a process to enroll that team member, so that they are educated enough, and given so much value, they think…

“Wow, this is really cool. These people really care about me. Not only that, they’re giving me a process and a system so I can become effective at building my business.”

Your funnel now turns that new team member into a fellow business-builder.

Now they’re actively doing something to build their business.

Now they’re generating prospects and customers on their own.

But that’s still not where the funnel ends, either.

Your funnel now turns that builder into a LEADER, as you continue to provide value and teach them how to build.

So now, you educate them about how they can be effective at helping others accomplish what they’ve just accomplished.

Now they’re also helping OTHERS lead people from the visitor phase to the builder phase.

And that’s key, because only when you’re capable of leading other people and walking them through the process from visitor to builders and all the steps in between, do YOU become a leader.


Investing in people on a leadership level is a higher-level skillset you want to learn

…if you want your funnel to be effective, that is.

Building a funnel using the technologies we recommend here at Elite Marketing Pro allows you to not only recruit a lot of people into your business, but it also leads people past the point where they’ve taken out their wallet and bought.

In network marketing terms, our system helps you turn team members into builders, and eventually into leaders themselves – so that you create true leverage and duplication in your organization.

jason ou

With the attraction marketing techniques we teach, you can create a perpetual internet marketing machine bringing in recruits and making sales automatically.

This is what my friends Masa Cemazar and Miguel Montero, the “Pyjama Bosses,” do exceptionally well.

They lead new people through a funnel that network marketers don’t often talk about because it happens AFTER someone joins your team.

Using an automated, systematic path through their back-end funnel, they build not only a large international team, but they also build leaders.

That’s true duplication.


You want to create leaders in your organization so you can step away and enjoy true passive income

You know, when you’re making money while you sleep.

When you build leaders, the next step in your funnel is, basically, “See you later!”

And that’s the ultimate goal of network marketing – creating true passive income!

Masa and Miguel have created a large multiple seven-figure network marketing team.

mlm lead generation

They spend only a couple hours a month overseeing their team because they’ve created that complete funnel that turns team members into builders and then into leaders so that they can step away and do other stuff they’re passionate about.

Their system is sophisticated.

But your funnel doesn’t necessarily have to be.


Social media, if you’re using it properly, also behaves like a funnel

Think about this…

You publish valuable content.

Someone likes or starts following you.

Thus, they’ve qualified themselves as leads.

As you publish more valuable information, your followers will engage with your content.

They feel they know you.

They Begin to trust you.

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They probably even genuinely like you at this point.

And at some point, you will make an offer by providing a link to something to purchase.

Your followers will take action because you’ve built so much trust

You have a relationship, a rapport now.

And you’ll obviously deliver on what you offered.

In traditional website-based funnels, people transform from visitor to lead where they share their contact information with you.

On social media, they transform into leads simply by following you.

And even though you don’t own the social media channel, treat it like a funnel.

Because that social media funnel might be what leads people into your attraction marketing funnel.

You can also use your Facebook groups as a funnel.

Move people from stranger to prospect, and then add them into your group to share more information with them.

That might turn those prospects into customers…team members…or even builders and leaders.

Regardless of the technology you’re using, we help you leverage both your own social media funnels and the attraction marketing funnels we’ve created to build your network marketing business.

And you can build your funnel conventionally, by posting on social media, directing visitors to your website, and following the visitor, lead, prospect, customer funnel…ultimately ending when they become a recurring customer and advocate.


You can use your funnel to create team members, builders, and leaders.

So whether you’re building up your retail base or building your team, you’re covered



Ferny Ceballos
Author of the Attraction Marketing Formula
CMO, Elite Marketing Pro

how do you build a network marketing team

Resources To Grow Your Business With

WPX Hosting

It’s a web-hosting service I love using.  It specializes in WordPress hosting, and depending on what package you opt for, you can host 5 or more sites on one account. The best bit is – the quick turnaround in support is top notch.

You can learn more about this service here.


Building an email list of a growing audience is essential for the longevity of any business.  This autoresponder service is easy to use, and it is a great starting point for someone looking to kickstart their email campaign. You can try their free account here.

Attraction Marketing Formula

If you have been struggling to recruit more people and just tired of the rejections. Here’s a way to automate your prospecting and build a system that passively attracts people to your business, all online, while you sleep … then I strongly encourage check out this product here.

You’ll learn how to grow your network marketing business, without dealing with rejection. You’ll learn how to recruit people without the daily grind of prospecting!

So if you’re ready to get started…

Simply click here now 

Bye for now,

Jason Ou

The #1 Network Marketing Skill (That Your Upline Probably Can’t Teach You)

The #1 Network Marketing Skill (That Your Upline Probably Can’t Teach You)

mlm lead generation

The #1 Network Marketing Skill (That Your Upline Probably Can’t Teach You)

What if you could create a significant residual income BEFORE you’ve even built your network marketing organization?

…and what if you could do it without prospecting friends, family, or even strangers?!

Crazy as that might sound, it’s possible… but only if you know the #1 network marketing skill available today!

Unfortunately, your upline (probably) can’t teach you this skill.

However, you’re in luck, because today, I’m going to reveal what it is, exactly how it works, and how you can use this method to solve the single biggest problem in the network marketing profession…

And it has everything to do with one word—LEVERAGE—resulting in the passive attraction of already-interested prospects to you every day, without talking to a single friend, family member, or stranger in public.

It will also radically reduce and eventually eliminate the time you currently spend prospecting.

Sound good?

Let’s dive in!

Network marketing is quickly evolving…

FREE Guide


Traditionally, to begin building your business, you’d want to find new people who might become your customers and who might also want to build a team under you.

And to do that, you’re normally taught to…

  • Make a list of friends and family so you can approach your warm market.
  • Approach your cold market and talk to anyone with a pulse.
  • “Live with awareness” by starting a conversation with everyone you meet, invite them to take a look at your new opportunity, and collect their contact information so you can follow up later.
jason k ou

Sound familiar?

Now, does that stuff all work?

Absolutely! But those activities are VERY time-intensive and inefficient.

And in today’s age…

Why wouldn’t you want to take advantage of more “modern” options that aren’t as time and travel intensive?

Today, there’s one option you may have already heard of…

Facebook and the other social media platforms allow us to connect with people…

Without EVER requiring us to leave home!

In fact, my friend Julie Burke recruited 80% of her team of 8,300 distributors using Facebook—while at home, raising her two boys, in just a couple of years.

That’s incredible!

But even with what Julie did with prospecting and recruiting on social media, is still a bit time consuming and there’s still a lot of sifting and sorting involved.

You still gotta eliminate and disqualify the a-holes, the tire-kickers, and the curious to find the few serious ones.

We helped Julie develop her new social media skills, which means she no longer has to prospect at all (offline or online).

People reach out to her everyday interested in joining her opportunity (just last month she sponsored 45 people who reached out to her), and this skill has resulted in her growing a million-dollar home business empire.

This skill, in my opinion, is the #1 skill you can learn today as a network marketer to create maximum leverage, help you recruit more people and you’re upline likely has no clue about… yet!

What is that skill?

It’s Facebook Advertising!

Now, I know that might scare a few of you who “advertising,” which might cause you to immediately think…

“Wait, I have to spend money!?”

And yeah, you do. But here’s the thing…

Your budget could start at five dollars a day.

(So just don’t go to Starbucks and there’s your budget.)

mlm lead generation

And the payoff is massive!

Here’s the deal: would you rather spend 2-3 hours per day prospecting strangers or doing home parties/meetings, or would you rather spend 5 bucks per day and have all the interested prospects you need sending you their contact info or leaving you messages for you to follow up with?

It’s your choice. And for me the answer is simple.

The way we use Facebook advertising is wildly effective.

I mean, here you are, reading this blog post. And you probably first heard about us on Facebook. It’s like Magic!

So here’s how it works…

What if you could create Facebook posts designed to attract top quality prospects?

Because if you want to show your ads to a top guru’s audience, or you want to show it to all the employees, salespeople, or distributors of a particular company, you can!

For instance, you can have the post appear in the News Feeds of the millions of people who follow Robert Kiyosaki, John Maxwell, Tony Robbins, or Brendon Buchard.

You can also show your ads to people who are interested in certain topics, such as health and wellness, nutrition, or fitness.

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Imagine being able to get your message in front of the millions of people on Facebook following Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, P90X, Nutrisystem, etc.

Would you ever run out of potential prospects and customers with the followers of these companies at your fingertips?

Look, you’ve got a ton of options when it comes to targeting.

Your audience is out there.

But always keep this in mind: your ad is not supposed to pitch; it’s supposed to lead with VALUE.

It’s about what can you do for people and how you can help them to solve their problems.

Again, think of what’s happening on this blog post. Are you learning something right now?

It doesn’t have to be complicated, either.

Some of our community members are sharing content from this very website and are able to generate leads every single day, without even having created their own content.

There are two primary types of ads you can use on Facebook

These will help draw people to you every single day so you never have to prospect (if you don’t want to).

Note there are quite a few different ways to advertise on Facebook, way more than we could possibly include in a single blog post, but below we’ll discuss the two most simple, straightforward, and newbie-friendly ad types.

The first type is called an…

Click Here For The Guide





mlm lead generation

Facebook’s algorithm knows who’s more likely to engage with your post—such as liking it, commenting on it, and sharing it.

So when you “Boost,” (aka pay $5+ bucks), a valuable piece of content, Facebook will show the post to people who are most likely to respond to the post with a like, comment, or share.

This works great when you tease (but don’t disclose) your product or opportunity. If you focus on the benefit in the post—i.e. what you help people do or the problem you help them solve in their life…

People will often post in the comments and say…

“This sounds interesting. I’d like more information.”

They’ll even direct message you and engage in a private conversation.

This works because it’s not about you or your company; it’s about what can you do for people.

The reason people are asking for “more information” is because they believe you can help them solve their problem(s).

We have students who speak with over a dozen such prospects a day!

The only catch is you have to execute this tactic correctly (otherwise you’ll wind up repelling the very prospects you are wanting to attract).

The best part is that if you do this correctly, people aren’t even clicking to read the blog post, instead, they’re all just commenting and saying…

“Hey, I’d like to just talk to you about this and see it’s a fit for me.”

Now, what more valuable skill can you learn in network marketing and direct selling than the ability to passively attract people to you and your opportunity?

Taking this a step further, the second type of ad we recommend running on Facebook is the…

mlm lead generation

Facebook Messenger ads include a special call to action function, which directs people to a private message with you.

It’s similar in concept to the engagement type of ad described above, but it cuts out the “middleman” of the blog post—so you don’t need a piece of content or even a website.

And when they click on the ad using their smartphone, it opens up the Messenger window and begins a conversation with you.

Pretty cool, right?


You can attract just about any audience you choose

Depending on what you’re promoting.

Basically, you can target many, if not most, well-known brands and Pages (for example, Robert Kiyosaki’s or Tony Robbin’s audiences).

You also want to go after the audiences of a company to see if any of the distributors who are about to quit or are unhappy might be looking for a new home.

The cool thing here is that you can qualify and interview these people before they join your team!

You get to say “No,” instead of the other way around. When you have an abundance of prospects, you can do this!

You can even target according to demographics, age, gender, marital status, employment status, employer, and more.

The options are limitless!

What happens next?

Now that you’ve learned the process for creating massive leverage by attracting prospects through placing Facebook Ads…

Do you know how to actually recruit a prospect that seeks you out?

Do you know what to say to enroll them?

Contrary to what you might have been taught, the process of enrollment can also be largely optimized and automated, so you’re not having to speak with everyone one-on-one—if you don’t want to.

Like I said, you can qualify via an actual application process so you never have to waste your breath on people who will never duplicate.

And if you found this content helpful, I would love if you shared this with any other networkers whom you think can benefit from a little leverage!

To Your Online Success,

Ferny Ceballos
CMO, Elite Marketing Pro

how do you build a network marketing team

Resources To Grow Your Business With

WPX Hosting

It’s a web-hosting service I love using.  It specializes in WordPress hosting, and depending on what package you opt for, you can host 5 or more sites on one account. The best bit is – the quick turnaround in support is top notch.

You can learn more about this service here.


Building an email list of a growing audience is essential for the longevity of any business.  This autoresponder service is easy to use, and it is a great starting point for someone looking to kickstart their email campaign. You can try their free account here.

Attraction Marketing Formula

If you have been struggling to recruit more people and just tired of the rejections. Here’s a way to automate your prospecting and build a system that passively attracts people to your business, all online, while you sleep … then I strongly encourage check out this product here.

You’ll learn how to grow your network marketing business, without dealing with rejection. You’ll learn how to recruit people without the daily grind of prospecting!

So if you’re ready to get started…

Simply click here now 

Bye for now,

Jason Ou

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