The One Thing You Need To Focus On Right Now

The One Thing You Need To Focus On Right Now

how to grow your network marketing business online

The One Thing You Need To Focus On Right Now

If you’re overwhelmed with marketing information overload and not quite sure where to begin with your marketing campaign then you’re not alone.

It’s confusing.

I remembered when I first started out with my network marketing journey online.

I had bought all these courses from well known experts in the industry from personal development, paid marketing strategies, content marketing, to other cool things.

But it was just too much. Information overload.

With so much information, I just didn’t know where to begin. I felt stuck.

But when I decided to just focus on one marketing model, my confusion lifted and I was able to take action with more clarity.

Now can you imagine how a new person can be confused with so much info excess? It’s like drinking from a fire hose.

There’s Facebook, Facebook Ads, Instagram, Tik Tok, Clubhouse, list building, funnels, selling physical products and many more.


It can drive anyone insane.

Trying to master all the marketing strategy strategies at one time can be too much.

And for a network marketer who is new to the online marketing concept, it can be truly overwhelming.

Often this leads to things getting not done.

But the good news is you don’t need to master all of them at one go.

When you are new to the online thing, you just have to keep it simple.

the one thing to focus on in network marketing

Think Traffic And Conversions

When it comes to building a Network Marketing business online, it is about traffic and conversions.

In a nutshell, you need to keep in mind 4 things

1. Traffic
2. Email list
4. Follow up

For starters, you need a compelling lead magnet to grab the attention of your target audience. That is, giving them what prospects want.

Secondly, you need solid affiliate products, physical products, services, other offers… or even your own digital product.

Next, you need to get the interested prospects onto your email list. This part here allows you to build a relationship with your audience and help you generate more sales down the road.

And if they don’t take up your offer, you can always follow up with more value.

Make sense?

For this to all work you will need an autoresponder like AWeber (which I use) and hook it up to you landing page to capture the names and emails of your ideal prospects.

An email list of your target audience is the most important part of your online marketing and branding strategy.

Sidenote … if you are first starting out, and want to make money asap, you can skip the list building. But list building is highly recommended.

Here’s the thing …

You just have to get really good at one source of traffic to attract people to your business.

In case you missed it…

You only need to get really good atone source of traffic to attract people to your business. 

How? Simple…

Just focus at ONE thing from your list of marketing options.

From Facebook to YouTube Ads, just stick to one platform … and master it.

You can start driving traffic from Facebook using paid ads or organic postings to target your perfect prospects.

These prospects will most likely be interested in you, your product, service and opportunity.

Once you get good results, you may wish to try another traffic source.

Next you probably would want to start a blog or a podcast.

Here you can create more valuable content that will serve your audience … and build out your personal brand.

Simply post the content to your blog and start sharing it on a social media platform like Facebook and via your email too.

That’s it. Traffic, email list, offer and follow up.

But stick to ONE strategy.

There are a number of ways to generate traffic.

Pick one strategy that appeals to you and focus on that. You only need to MASTER one method of start driving traffic.

So today, right now.

Go for one strategy, take action, write a blog post, start a Facebook campaign (organic or paid),  do a Live and start promoting it to your landing page.

This is the simplest path to attracting more prospects to your business, recruiting more people and making more money online.

Let’s do it right now!

one thing to focus on in network marketing
Finally, if you want to learn a strategy that is a proven way to build a real business online, you can learn more about it here.

Resources To Grow Your Business With


Bluehost is a great starting point for beginners or bloggers who want to switch to a reliable web hosting service. And it gives you the best bang for your buck - starting at $2.95 a month*.

With the entry-level hosting plan, you'll get a high up-time, reliable customer support, FREE domain name (first year) and 30 day money back guarantee.

You can sign up with Bluehost here.

WPX Hosting

It's a web-hosting service I love using.  It specializes in WordPress hosting, and depending on what package you opt for, you can host 5 or more sites on one account. The best bit is - the quick turnaround in support is top notch.

For bloggers who have an established blog, this is a fantastic option.

You can learn more about this service here.


Building an email list of a growing audience is essential for the longevity of any business.  This autoresponder service is easy to use, and it is a great starting point for someone looking to kickstart their email campaign.

You can try their free account here.

The 3 Things to Finding Hot Prospects Begging You to Get your Products And Join the Team  

The 3 Things to Finding Hot Prospects Begging You to Get your Products And Join the Team  

Jason KM Ou

The 3 Things to Finding Hot Prospects Begging You to Get your Products And Join the Team  

The old traditional technique of focusing your efforts on chasing people, friends and relatives can be fruitful for some but for most people like myself, it can be frustrating,  which ultimately causes people to drop out of the network marketing business.

I don’t get how jotting a list of all your contacts on your phone and burning through them about this fantastic opportunity that will change their lives can work.
In fact most contacts on your list may not be even interested in a product or even in a business opportunity because they may not be open to the idea or a need for it right now.

It’s literally like pitching a weight loss product to a fitness fanatic or a skinny person.

For example, my friend Chris who is a fitness geek, runs daily to stay in shape. He is fit and what’s more he plans his meals carefully. Does it make sense that I should plug a weight loss product to him? Do you think he is the right person to talk to?

But he is on my contact list!

So hunting him down is like throwing spaghetti on the wall and hoping that it will stick.

Going about it this way we can easily lead to frustration.

The first step is to decide the type of target audience you want to reach out.  

When you reach out to the right audience the attention factor goes up and you will experience more positive feedback because these are the group of people already looking for a solution to their problem.

In order to identify your prospects there are three key questions you need to ask.

FREE Guide

Jason K M Ou

1. What kind of people do I want to attract?

So take the time to list out who are these types of people you want to target from gender, age group, moms, dads, families, do they have kids, type of employment, where do they live and so on. 

By developing a customer profile with a detailed description of your audience from the age group, gender, marital status, income, interest, values, attitudes and so on, it helps you to identify the type of audience that will buy your products and services.

So ask yourself this, if you had to choose your audience, what qualities are you looking for?

2. What are they looking for? What are their biggest problems, pain and fears I can solve? 

In other words, what keeps your perfect prospects up at night?

Detailing this area will help you pinpoint the people that will benefit the most, as well have the ability to continually buy from you.

3. What are their desires and dreams in life? 

Being able to offer that solution to help them reach his or her goal will go a long way in building the trust.

That’s where the value comes in.

Jason K Ou

Your Target Audience

When you know who your prospect is, or at least have a pretty good idea, you can speak their language.

Your message can be a lot more focused.

Your posts will be of interest to the people you want to attract.

And you can make a very compelling case for these ideal prospects to join your business.

Otherwise not understanding your market will be a difficult process in finding a prospect that is willing to listen to you.

After you’re able to attract the right people to your product, service or network marketing, you will get better at recruiting and enrolling them into your team.
The reason is, you are focused at addressing their needs with a solution.

So what else can you do to get more trust in your business?

You can use a simple system to attract hot prospects to your team with an effective social media campaign to build your brand today.

The system I use has helped me attract prospects like yourself to me, and has helped draw more targeted leads to my funnel 24 hours a day … and on autopilot.

how do you build a network marketing team

Resources To Grow Your Business With

WPX Hosting

It’s a web-hosting service I love using.  It specializes in WordPress hosting, and depending on what package you opt for, you can host 5 or more sites on one account. The best bit is – the quick turnaround in support is top notch.

You can learn more about this service here.


Building an email list of a growing audience is essential for the longevity of any business.  This autoresponder service is easy to use, and it is a great starting point for someone looking to kickstart their email campaign. You can try their free account here.

Attraction Marketing Formula

If you have been struggling to recruit more people and just tired of the rejections. Here’s a way to automate your prospecting and build a system that passively attracts people to your business, all online, while you sleep … then I strongly encourage check out this product here.

You’ll learn how to grow your network marketing business, without dealing with rejection. You’ll learn how to recruit people without the daily grind of prospecting!

So if you’re ready to get started…

Simply click here now 

Bye for now,

Jason Ou

2 Methods To Have Hot Prospects Reaching Out To You

2 Methods To Have Hot Prospects Reaching Out To You

jason ou

2 Methods To Have Hot Prospects Reaching Out To You

How to get prospects in network marketing without chasing strangers?

The First Way

One of them is your warm market, the people you already know .. from you relatives, friends, all those people plus the people on your chicken list.

If you still had a warm market that you were willing to go to, then maybe this is an option. The burn through your list is the most common idea preached by most people from leaders in your industry, your upline and the company you are promoting.

I don’t know about you.  And it kinda wants to make me freak out.    

Look, this method will work for some. But, for most people, it will not.
If this method does works for you, I salute you. However, will the people who join your business be able to replicate it?

You see, it’s not easy and not everyone on your warm market list will be the right kind of audience you should be tapping into.  Much like hunting down a stranger at a mall, he or she may or may not be suited to the product, service or the business.

Imagine this, a vegan goes to try this restaurant, and a kind waitress pops by and recommends steak to a vegan? Do you think the vegan would order the steak?

Hopefully, you get my drift.

FREE Guide


The Second Way

This option requires you to build a whole new world of warm market.  This is where you have to build a trust factor with someone to join your business. 

At this point here, you should know who your target audience is. If you do not know, start now, and jot down the characteristics of your ideal customer, your avatar.

In a nutshell, an avatar represents a person you want to attract. Pssst – your ideal avatar is you. 

Just as an example, your avatar could be me, I am 44 years old, I am married, I’m dad with 2 kids, I am an entrepreneur and I live in Melbourne.

And with your target audience or target market, it is a group of avatars that you will be building a relationship with. 

So get cracking now!

Also …

Find your WHY!

That’s right.  Write down the main reasons you got into network marketing and your company …. and what really stoked your fire.  

Your ‘Whys’, and how it helped you – it will be the story you tell, and a personal brand you represent.

Regardless of what any expert or any company endorses, YOU must promote your brand … NOT your company.

By branding YOU, you will stand out and build a connection, a trust factor with your audience.

At the end of the day, people will buy from you, if they know, like and trust you. This is the rule that will never change, and it’s never gonna be any different.

In all types of business, whether it is online or offline, it is going to take some time.

So when people get online, the expectation is that they’re going to be able to jump in, doing all of this attraction marketing and thinking he or she is going to nail this immediately.

You see, the reality is, people still have to know, like and trust you … and there is only one way to do that and that is spending time with you.

And you want to make sure that you are building a relationship. 

Whether it is posting Facebook or Instagram Lives, commenting on their posts, messaging each other or whether it’s posting useful content, it is about sharing and helping them.  Building a relationship.  

Please don’t discount how much time it actually takes to build an online business. It’s the patience that counts. 

I’m not saying you can’t get results right away because you can. But the reality is, you have to get to know them, engage and connect. As well, know their pain point, their challenges and be the pain killer, and help them.  

But never go out of the way to pitch. If you keep building that trust, your prospect will one day reach out to you about your product, service or business.

how do you build a network marketing team

Resources To Grow Your Business With

WPX Hosting

It’s a web-hosting service I love using.  It specializes in WordPress hosting, and depending on what package you opt for, you can host 5 or more sites on one account. The best bit is – the quick turnaround in support is top notch.

You can learn more about this service here.


Building an email list of a growing audience is essential for the longevity of any business.  This autoresponder service is easy to use, and it is a great starting point for someone looking to kickstart their email campaign. You can try their free account here.

Attraction Marketing Formula

If you have been struggling to recruit more people and just tired of the rejections. Here’s a way to automate your prospecting and build a system that passively attracts people to your business, all online, while you sleep … then I strongly encourage check out this product here.

You’ll learn how to grow your network marketing business, without dealing with rejection. You’ll learn how to recruit people without the daily grind of prospecting!

So if you’re ready to get started…

Simply click here now 

Bye for now,

Jason Ou

2 Simple Ways to Find Prospects to Build Your Business

2 Simple Ways to Find Prospects to Build Your Business

jason km ou

2 Simple Ways to Find Prospects to Build Your Business

Are you struggling and stressed to find a prospect to build your business opportunity with? Almost too stressful and time consuming to bother.

Worst still, Googling for a local business owner or even hunting down the first stranger you can chat to – the belly to belly stuff – is even more daunting. Then of course, there is the fear of rejection.

This is best summed up in one word – “Awkward!”

You see, there are only two ways you can find people. 

The First Way

One of them is your warm market, the people you already know .. from you relatives, friends, all those people plus the people on your chicken list.

If you still had a warm market that you were willing to go to, then maybe this is an option. The burn through your list is the most common idea preached by most people from leaders in your industry, your upline and the company you are promoting.

I don’t know about you.  And it kinda wants to make you freak out.    

Look, this method will work for some. But, for most people, it will not.
If this method does works for you, I salute you. However, will the people who join your business be able to replicate it?

You see, it’s not easy and not everyone on your warm market list will be the right kind of audience you should be tapping into.  Much like hunting down a stranger at a mall, he or she may or may not be suited to the product, service or the business.

Imagine this, a vegan goes to try this restaurant, and a kind waitress pops by and recommends steak to a vegan? Do you think the vegan would order the steak?

Hopefully, you get my drift.

FREE Guide


The Second Way

This option requires you to build a whole new world of warm market.  This is where you have to build a trust factor with someone to join your business. 

At this point here, you should know who your target audience is. If you do not know, start now, and jot down the characteristics of your ideal customer, your avatar.

In a nutshell, an avatar represents a person you want to attract. Pssst – your ideal avatar is you. 

Just as an example, your avatar could be me, I am 44 years old, I am married, I’m dad with 2 kids, I am an entrepreneur and I live in Melbourne.

And with your target audience or target market, it is a group of avatars that you will be building a relationship with. 

So get cracking now!

Also …

Find your WHY!

That’s right, write down the main reasons you got into network marketing and your company …. and what really stoked your fire.  

Your ‘Whys’ and how it helped you – it will be the story you tell, and a personal brand you represent.

Regardless of what any expert or any company endorses, YOU must promote your brand … NOT your company.

By branding YOU, you will stand out and build a connection, a trust factor with your audience.

At the end of the day, people will buy from you, if they know, like and trust you. This is the rule that will never change, and it’s never gonna be any different.

In all types of business, whether it is online or offline, it is going to take some time.

So when people get online, the expectation is that they’re going to be able to jump in, doing all of this attraction marketing and thinking he or she is going to nail this immediately.

You see, the reality is, people still have to know, like and trust you … and there is only one way to do that and that is spending time with you.

And you want to make sure that you are building a relationship. 

Whether it is posting Facebook or Instagram Lives, commenting on their posts, messaging each other or whether it’s posting useful content, it is about sharing and helping them.  Building a relationship.  

Please don’t discount how much time it actually takes to build an online business. It’s the patience that counts. 

I’m not saying you can’t get results right away because you can. But the reality is, you have to get to know them, engage and connect. As well, know their pain point, their challenges and be the pain killer, and help them.  

But never go out of the way to pitch. If you keep building that trust, your prospect will one day reach out to you about your product, service or business.

how do you build a network marketing team

Resources To Grow Your Business With

WPX Hosting

It’s a web-hosting service I love using.  It specializes in WordPress hosting, and depending on what package you opt for, you can host 5 or more sites on one account. The best bit is – the quick turnaround in support is top notch.

You can learn more about this service here.


Building an email list of a growing audience is essential for the longevity of any business.  This autoresponder service is easy to use, and it is a great starting point for someone looking to kickstart their email campaign. You can try their free account here.

Attraction Marketing Formula

If you have been struggling to recruit more people and just tired of the rejections. Here’s a way to automate your prospecting and build a system that passively attracts people to your business, all online, while you sleep … then I strongly encourage check out this product here.

You’ll learn how to grow your network marketing business, without dealing with rejection. You’ll learn how to recruit people without the daily grind of prospecting!

So if you’re ready to get started…

Simply click here now 

Bye for now,

Jason Ou

What To Do When Your Upline Doesn’t Want You to Use the Internet to Build

What To Do When Your Upline Doesn’t Want You to Use the Internet to Build

jason KMou

What To Do When Your Upline Doesn’t Want You to Use the Internet to Build

The take away from this post: Build your “YOU INC” using effective online marketing strategies that will attract the right type of customer to your business.

Treat every decision you make as a business. One that will suit your needs for build the business, and not anyone else’s. Even if your upline prefers the old school method, that’s cool. If you see the upside of to using social marketing strategies to develop your business and brand, so be it.

Your best target market are the prospects that will benefit from your business – which means you have to know your customer’s avatar – from age group, gender, level of income, their likes, their location, their problems, and so on. Then learn how to position yourself with them.

For me, I prefer to target people who are already positive to the home business opportunity. It’s just easier to move forward.

Value, value, value. Aim to over-deliver and more importantly, look to solve your prospect’s problems. Position yourself as a leader that can help them reach their goals.

Your own website and email system is a two essential components of your business and brand. It’s the platform that will launch the business and do the selling for you round the clock.

Build. Your. Personal. Brand. Business opportunities will come and go, but not your brand.   Your brand establishes the loyal following and your reputation with the community.

Serve the needs of others, and be the force other leaders want to work with.

Good reading,

Jason Ou

FREE Guide


A common concern I hear from people learning cutting-edge online recruiting methods is being scolded by their upline for “choosing a different path.”

For example, on a webinar a couple of months ago a woman asked how she should deal with her upline, entrenched in the old ways of thinking, who she was afraid might disagree with her choosing to prospect and recruit online.

After all, in some cases, there are leaders who will monitor every move their reps make, watch their stats, review volume, and call or email on a daily basis to see who you’ve prospected recently or showed the plan to.

Now I gotta say, I know online “attraction marketing” works, and once new reps and customers start rolling in, your upline WILL have questions and will most likely be negative about how you’re building your business differently than they did back in the ’80s, ’90s, or even early 2000s.

Heck, even my upline once told me that I risked losing my business by using online methods, which are “unproven.”

Look, the REAL issue comes down to this…

It’s human nature to move towards methods that are most efficient and bring the fastest results with the least amount of work and most distributors are on a constant search to find a “magic system.”

Now as much as I’d like to definitely say that, “attraction marketing is the BEST way in the world to build a network marketing business,” I can’t.

(No, I mean it, I honestly can’t.)

Because here’s the thing:

jason ou

We have to consider the most important component of your success: YOU!

We all have different strengths, weaknesses, and abilities.

And all this factors into what will work best for us as individuals.

If your upline built their business a while ago, and had success using old school, cold market recruiting methods, (like cold calling or cold prospecting), then as far as they are concerned those methods are what work the best.

Throughout their networking career, these are the methods they feel most comfortable using, most likely, to great effect because they’ve spent years mastering that skill set.

Now, if you JUST started your network marketing business today, you’re going to need to figure out which methods work best for YOU, today.

If prospecting friends and family, hosting home meetings, going to hotel meetings, or prospecting strangers ain’t your thing…

…that’s totally cool!

They don’t appeal to me either, but it doesn’t mean my way is necessarily better than someone else’s way (for them).

So when it comes to being confronted by your upline or upsetting people in your company, I wouldn’t worry about it.

Let them know that you prefer to approach your business using strategies more in line with YOUR interests and strengths.

If they got an issue with it, it’s THEIR problem and if that’s the case, you may want to consider joining an organization that uses and supports the methods you wish to pursue.

After all, this IS a business.

So make “business decisions” and don’t stay with an unsupportive upline because you have some cultish separation anxiety issue…but that’s fodder for another post, lol!

I’ve been in this industry for over 10 years and I’ve tried to build this business in many different ways… home/hotel meetings, cold market prospecting, prospecting my bartender, calling up friends & family, mass emails, craigslist ads, etc.

Now, I’m a very logic-oriented person, which means I constantly analyze what was really going on as I tried different methods and learned a ton from everything I tried, even when things didn’t work out.

After a few months of being in this industry, I pretty much made up my mind that I wanted to build a business in a way that reflected the age we were living in.

After all, I went to MIT and became an engineer, so it made absolutely no sense for me to be operating like a door-to-door salesman, given my generation and background.

I needed to take advantage of my strengths and use technology as a major leverage point in my business.

But the cool thing is that I didn’t even invent “attraction marketing.”

I learned these skills from a high school drop out and a former crack addict…


I was like, “If they could do it, I could do it!”

What my mentors showed me was a way of building that actually turned my networking business into a HOME business (i.e. build while at home) by using the power of the internet.

Some people in this industry attacked me for doing it a “different” way.

It didn’t matter to me.

All that mattered is that…
a.) I made money,
b.) I was getting closer to quitting my job, and
c.) I was helping others do the same.

Here’s essentially what you need to make attraction marketing work, in the same way countless 6- and 7-figure earners have learned from us…

mlm marketing

The best target market for me to go after, consists of people who have already said YES to a home business.

In fact, on a daily basis hundreds of networkers, affiliate marketers and internet marketers across the world voluntarily send me their contact information, showing interest in either my business, my mentorship, or both.

This is possible because instead of pitching my opportunity to them, I focus my efforts on solving THEIR problems and addressing their needs.

Makes sense, right?

jason KM ou

I never chase people or try to convince people to join my business.

Instead, I attract by demonstrating value and leadership through effective marketing.

In fact, in the past 3 months alone, I’ve had over 250 people fill out a lengthy questionnaire, wanting to invest between $10,000 – $20,000 to receive my mentorship.

Crazy, huh?

To my surprise, many of the folks I spoke to who filled out the application, didn’t really know me too well.

They just knew they wanted what I had to offer and were just hoping I would accept them into my program.

The trick here is to position what you offer as valuable, in a way that no one else does.

And I can tell you for certain it’s a lot easier to ask for a $300 enrollment fee than it is to ask for $10,000 – $20,000.

jason KM ou

I will absolutely not sit on the phone all day, cold calling people and pitch them on my opportunity.

In fact, I have set up simple websites and automated email systems that actually do the selling for me.

The only way I’m going to get on the phone with someone who wants to buy something from me or join my business is if they are sure they want to get started and maybe have a few clarifying questions.

Even then, I still insist on interviewing EVERYONE I would be personally be working with.

Believe it or not, there are a lot of crazies out there, lol! 😉

jason KM ou

I don’t focus simply on just building a network marketing or direct sales opportunity, which may or may not be around in 5 years.

My focus for the past 10+ years has been on building my brand or “YOU, INC,” which consist of a community, email list, and reputation I can take with me wherever I go.

The fact of the matter is that I’ve actually been in 4 different business opportunities, which have come and gone, yet my business income continued to grow at an average rate of 33% each and every year, regardless of what company I was with.

That is only possible because of the brand and reputation I cultivated over the past decade-plus.

Your network marketing business is just the vehicle, but not your TRUE business.

My email list had become an online distribution channel, which brought stability and growth.

It would also allow me to build another business or opportunity with the click of a mouse, should something ever happen to my opportunity.

jason km ou

One of the keys to bringing stability to my income was when I accepted the fact that 90% of the people you find anywhere will say “NO” to your products or opportunity.

I found a way to make these people customers in other ways, by providing solutions to their biggest problems and needs, which turned me into a bonafide 7-figure producer.

Trust me, it’s a ‘pop the champagne’ moment when your CPA tells you that you made $1.1 Million dollars in one year. Woot! Woot!

mlm marketing

Master networkers know that their goal is not to build just a downline or home business.

It’s to build a business that can serve the needs of an entire industry.

When what you’ve created can influence the direction of an industry, not only can you build a downline, not only can you build a financial legacy… you can be a FORCE other leaders want to attach themselves to.

Now, I’m not saying that what I’ve just outlined is “THE BEST” way to build.

All I can share with you is what it has done for me…

Not only did I quit my job…
Not only did a become a 6-figure earner in my company…
Not only did I grow a 7-figure income within 4 years…

I haven’t prospected a single stranger or shared my opportunity with a family member in almost a decade.

By focusing on solving problems and adding value to an industry, I attract literally 300-500 networkers per day to my email list.

I generate between 10-50 customers per day…

And about 50-60 per month decide they want to become serious business-builders with my help.

You can learn how to grow a network marketing business online without the daily grind of prospecting here.

If what you are doing right now is working great for you, then that’s cool too. I’m happy for your success.

With enough effort and commitment, anything can work.

Best of luck.

Ferny Ceballos
Chief Marketing Officer
Attraction Marketing

how do you build a network marketing team

Resources To Grow Your Business With

WPX Hosting

It’s a web-hosting service I love using.  It specializes in WordPress hosting, and depending on what package you opt for, you can host 5 or more sites on one account. The best bit is – the quick turnaround in support is top notch.

You can learn more about this service here.


Building an email list of a growing audience is essential for the longevity of any business.  This autoresponder service is easy to use, and it is a great starting point for someone looking to kickstart their email campaign. You can try their free account here.

Attraction Marketing Formula

If you have been struggling to recruit more people and just tired of the rejections. Here’s a way to automate your prospecting and build a system that passively attracts people to your business, all online, while you sleep … then I strongly encourage check out this product here.

You’ll learn how to grow your network marketing business, without dealing with rejection. You’ll learn how to recruit people without the daily grind of prospecting!

So if you’re ready to get started…

Simply click here now 

Bye for now,

Jason Ou

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