Three Effective Follow Up Strategies With Your Prospects

Three Effective Follow Up Strategies With Your Prospects

effective follow up strategies

Three Effective Follow Up Strategies With Your Prospects

Have you ever wondered how to follow up with your prospects and close?

Although there are many effective follow up strategies online, like …

  • Providing content on your blog.
  • Broadcasting a Facebook Live.
  • Hosting a Webinar.
  • Texting.
  • And so on.

You still have to …

TALK. To. People.

It’s really how a relationship and a business partnership is built on.

And when you do have the opportunity to talk to a prospect, it is not about pressuring them into the business.

Otherwise you’ll lose them.

Recognize It’s. Not. About. You.

Rather, it’s about them.

That means, paying attention to their needs, asking questions and how best you can help them.

Put it simply … it is about letting them talk and for you to listen.

And see where the opportunity heads.

But most of all. In any real relationship.

You have to be authentic.

A great example was this recent experience I had with an online tutoring product for primary school kids.

I made an inquiry online, filled in my contact details and as soon as I had clicked the submit button, a text message came back requesting for a phone appointment.

And when we talked, the consultant asked away, listened and I blabbered on.

Which led him to a solution I needed.

You see … he didn’t try to sell me anything.

He just listened and offered a solution to my need.

Make sense?

Lastly, aim to get in touch with a prospect as soon as possible, while they’re still warm.

That’s when they have your product and personal brand fresh in their minds.

If you want to learn how to attract endless new prospects and team mates to you automatically, click here to find out more.

Now, let’s look at 3 strategies you can use to follow up, engage and communicate.

How To Follow Up With Prospects – 3 Ways

FREE Guide


1. Personally Email Them.

The easiest way to follow up with a prospect is to send a personal email yourself … or via an autorepsonder.

Again, the aim of the email is NOT to focus on the sale.

Rather it is about simply getting a response to guage the interest of the prospect.

Say when a prospect subscribes and downloads a free lead magnet.

An email is then automatically sent out with a simple message, like this …

“Hi Lauren, Jason Here. I saw you downloaded the PDF report and I just wanted to see how I could help you. Just curious, why Exactly did you pick the guide up?”

Let’s review this …

In the email, there’s no mention of anything related to a product or the company.

Instead, it does 3 things.

  1. It acknowledges they have downloaded the free guide.
  2. I reach out a lending hand to help them.
  3. I asked a question.

Short and sweet without being salesy.

And as always, start with a killer email subject line that grabs their attention

When a prospect replies back, quickly reply back to arrange a time to get on Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Zoom or even the phone to TALK.

A quicker way to limit the back and forth emailing, use a free appointment tool like Calendly to set up the meeting.

Side-note : You could even send a similar email even if they’ve visited your blog.

2. Phone Them.

If you happen to have your prospect’s phone number, why not call them!

Going via this route makes you stand out amongst other online marketers and online business builders.

Talking to your prospects makes it personal.

Which allows you to quickly establish a relationship.

When you are on the phone, kickstart the conversation with …

“Hi Lauren, Jason Here. I’m just calling to introduce myself and see how’s things going with you. And how I can help you with your business?”

Nothing salesy. Just ask and listen.

Remember … the call is about them.

By asking questions, you have control over the conversation and you will learn more about their frustration and needs.

When you uncover their problems, you’ll be able to educate, form the right plan and direct them to a product or service that can solve their pain points.

And then have them make up their minds.

3. Post Engaging Content.

Another excellent way to get your prospects reaching out is to post engaging content.

This is accomplished through creating content that will truly resonate with your ideal prospect.

Content that strikes a pain point and as well, solving the problem.

When you do this, not only will it be easier to create content for your audience, it will grab their attention.

And they will subscribe to your email list and even become a fan on social media.

If someone does reach out, connect with them via Facebook or via email … and then talk.

Related Reading : 9 Effective Facebook Engagement Post Ideas

As you consistently provide great content, you are exposing and building the credibility in your brand.

The key point here is to be CONSISTENT.

Whether it is posting daily, one a week, twice a week, three times a week or even once a month … just show up.

And remember – when they do reach out, connect with them on email or Facebook and with the aim to get on a call with them.

And help.

And that’s how you follow up with prospects.

At the end of the day, to build a business you need to be connecting with the right people … and TALK.

That means, as soon as you have the contact details, you schedule a time to talk.

And again, it’s not about pitching your product or opportunity.

It’s about giving your fullest attention to the prospect.

They’re looking for a problem to fix and you’re there to give them a solution.

Plus when you ask questions and listen, you’ll be able to fill in the gaps and take that relationship a step up … from a warm to a HOT prospect.

When you think about it, it’s really how a real business operates in both the offline and online world.

Finally building a business does takes time and plenty of effort.

So commit to twelve months of posting value to your target audience, and follow up.

P.S In case you’re one of the people (like me) who skim to the P.S before you read the page, here’s what this is about:

1. 3 easy yet effective follow up strategies with your prospects.  

2. How to turn a prospect into a customer and team member.

Resources To Grow Your Business With

Attraction Marketing Formula

If you have been struggling to recruit more people and just tired of the rejections. Here’s a way to automate your prospecting and build a system that passively attracts people to your business, all online, while you sleep … then I strongly encourage check out this product here.

You’ll learn how to grow your network marketing business, without dealing with rejection. You’ll learn how to recruit people without the daily grind of prospecting!

So if you’re ready to get started…

Simply click here now 

Bye for now,

Jason Ou


Building an email list of a growing audience is essential for the longevity of any business.  This autoresponder service is easy to use, and it is a great starting point for someone looking to kickstart their email campaign. You can try their free account here.

how do you build a network marketing team

9 Effective Facebook Engagement Post Ideas For More Reach

9 Effective Facebook Engagement Post Ideas For More Reach

9 Effective Facebook Engagement Post Ideas For More Reach

How to get more engagements on your Facebook content?

Let’s face it, it’s not easy at first. But if you practice the habit of being active, the more results you’ll see.

And the more engagement you get, the more love Facebook will give you.

That means more organic traffic.

But without any engagement there’s no way you can build any kind of relationship with your audience.

When you have no relationship, this means no leads, no customers, and no sign-ups.

So how do you fix it?

For one, it’s important that you start posting consistently to get your message out. DAILY.

To do this, here are 9 Facebook engagement post ideas for more traction


9 Simple Facebook Engagement Post Ideas


1. Tap into Perfect Post Times

ideas for facebook engagement

Want more engagements from your post?

Why not time your posts during peak times, especially when your followers are most active.

Which increases the chance of getting Facebook comments and Likes.

If you want to zero in on the best times to post, check out Sprout Social report on best times to post on social media.

Please note that stats supplied from Sprout Social are recorded in USA Central Time.

The takeaway here is – for an effective Facebook engagement strategy analyze both the numbers in your Facebook Page Insights and the chart below to have a better idea of the best time to post on Facebook.

However, do note that these numbers are data only. So please don’t get too overly anal over the times.

Instead, find a balance of the best times to post, but most of all, post consistently.

If it’s two posts a day, then it’s one to two posts a day.

Not one post every few months.

You get the drift.

2. Focus On Your Audience.

Don’t make the mistake of boxing in your brand.

Get creative and be entertaining.

Say you have a Facebook page for an ice-cream business.

Should you only post content related to ice cream?

Although I love ice-cream, you shouldn’t be just posting about ice-cream.

For one, there’s only so much you can post about it on a daily basis.

And it get’s pretty boring and repetitive if all the content is about ice-cream.

When it comes to your Facebook engagement post ideas, vary it.

Don’t focus solely on your brand or product. It is NOT all about you.

It’s about your audience, your fans.

People go on Facebook to unwind and be entertained.

So be interesting and entertaining in some way to drive the engagement.

The key here is understand your target audience.

Know what keeps them up at night, their struggles, needs, wants, desires, fears, dreams, goals and interest. Everything.

Because it really doesn’t matter if you’re “interesting” to the wrong audience right?

And CAPTURE attention to stop the scrolling.

With …

  • Attention grabbing post headlines.
  • Eye catching images. Especially the ones of YOU living it up with a smile.
  • For an easy reading experience, consider using short paragraphs and plenty of white space.
  • To add a bit more pop into your paragraphs, sprinkle in a few emojis.

Once you start to embed that idea into your strategy, increasing Facebook engagement becomes much more realistic.

So get creative.

Post for your audience.

3. Delve Into Your Popular Posts.

Go back to what works.

Using Facebook Insight to break down the activity, you can easily identify and analyze the most popular posts.

The ones that had plenty of reach and engagements.

Then DO THE EXACT same thing and see what happens.

Rather than playing guessing games, the numbers will paint a nice picture of what worked and what didn’t.

Which … allows you to recreate the same social buzz again.

4. Add Your CTA.

Add a ‘Call to Action’ in your posts.

Whether it is to ‘Tag Your Teammate’, ‘Like This Post If You …’, ‘Comment below with your thoughts’ or “Click this link to check out my latest blog post”, etc, add a reminder for your reader to take action.

It’s a way to allow fans to engage.

And one quick and simple way to do this is to post a question. Or you can start a series of post where you pick your reader’s brains.

Encouraging engagement and comments within your post are fine. Just don’t go out begging for them.

engagement posts for social media

5. Shorten Your Posts.

Do you suffer from this sometimes? That writer’s block.

If you just don’t know what to say in your post … it’s OK to keep it brief. And to the point.

You see …

Your posts doesn’t have to be a 1000 worded essay. Unless you are an exceptional copy writer, most long form posts can put off more than a few readers.

And do note that users on social platforms like Facebook and mobile users are scrollers. We only have a short few seconds to grab their attention.

Hence eye catching images and an easy to read post format will often stop the scrolling.

Here’s 3 ideas for bite-sized content:

  • Ask quick questions to pick your follower’s brains. People love giving opinions. So why not give your reader an excuse to express.
  • Handy quotes or stats from an article that require a click for more context.
  • Short or quick-witty statements coupled with a picture.

When you think about it …

A sentence is all you need to grab the readers’ attention.

So keep it simple.


6. Create List Posts.

Start a Bullet List grab. Not only does it captures attention, it’s easy to scan.

An example of a list grab is like this post you’re reading now … “8 Simple Facebook Post Ideas For Increasing Engagement” – change

People, like me, love to read bullet point lists. It’s gives you a nice snap shot of what you’re going to read.

And the white space in between the each point is easy on the eye.

As always, be sure to make the post relevant to your target audience wants, needs, and desires.

7. LIVES and Videos.

Videos are huge.

Whether it is LIVES, pre-recorded videos or even animations, a majority of people on social will gravitate to them.

And videos do encourage more engagements.

With videos, you can can encourage engagements with questions or even ask for it.

Plus, people do like to voice their thoughts during certain points of a video.

But more importantly, videos gives you the platform to build both influence and credibility.

You see…

When people see you and hear you on video, they get an idea of who you are. Your brand.

Plus, if your message is relevant to them, it draws their attention even more.

And the more videos you can produce, the more know, like, and trust you will bank with them.

Which can lead to more buys and signups.

Give videos a go today!

While you’re here … if you are stuck for ideas on what to post on social media, watch this Youtube below!


8. Tell Stories.

People love stories.

It grabs and keep attention.

Whether it is your own story of personal struggles or desires … or someone else’s, stories do tap into the emotions of your target audience.

It’s relatable with them.

The experience and the vulnerability you share draws them closer to you.

A connection.

And when you do, your people will engage on your posts!

9. Reply And Comment Back.

Be responsive to every comments and even likes.

You can ….

Get back to them with thoughtful comments.

Thank them for liking the post.

And even ask them what they liked about the post.

It’s really an opportunity to build more engagement within your posts.

And when you try to personally connect with the people who have taken the time to comment, it shows them you are listening to them.

Which is a big plus for YOU … and can score you more interactions in the future.

There you have it …

Nine effective Facebook engagement post ideas for boosting your organic reach.

With these simple ideas, you can easily take action right now … and get more traction.

When you think of the popular business brands and personal brands on Facebook, they are actively present – CONSISTENTLY posting and engaging with their followers.

So give it a go …

It is the ideal time to start posting and increase engagement for your posts

If by chance you’re stuck for ideas on what to post on social media, pop over to my other post – “8 Sneaky Ways To Find Endless Social Media Content Ideas”.

P.S In case you’re one of the people (like me) who skim to the P.S before you read the page, here’s what this is about:

1. 9 simple post ideas to boost your Facebook engagement.

2. Building a solid relationship with your prospects.


Resources To Grow Your Business With


Building an email list of a growing audience is essential for the longevity of any business.  This autoresponder service is easy to use, and it is a great starting point for someone looking to kickstart their email campaign. You can try their free account here.

Attraction Marketing Formula

If you have been struggling to recruit more people and just tired of the rejections. Here’s a way to automate your prospecting and build a system that passively attracts people to your business, all online, while you sleep … then I strongly encourage check out this product here.

You’ll learn how to grow your network marketing business, without dealing with rejection. You’ll learn how to recruit people without the daily grind of prospecting!

So if you’re ready to get started…

Simply click here now 

Bye for now,

Jason Ou

How To Create An Email List – 3 Essential Tools

How To Create An Email List – 3 Essential Tools

How To Create An Email List – 3 Essential Tools

how to create an email list
Would you like a list of high quality prospects? Prospects who have expressed interest in what you have to say.

Wouldn’t that be awesome?

If you are serious about building a successful business, then you need to get really serious about building an email list!

Otherwise, you will be gifting a nice pile of potential income for the next smart marketer who IS building an email list.

Look … It doesn’t matter if you’re building a business online or offline, having a list of contacts that you can constantly stay in touch with (and follow up) is essential.

Better still …

With an email list of prospects you have the ability to follow up, build a relationship and close.

And when you have an email list of customers, you also have the ability to follow up and take the business further!

The best thing is, it can be done at a push of a button to broadcast your communication.

Isn’t that powerful?

Although you can create success in network marketing without an email list.

Isn’t it smarter to have one?

A list that you own and control.

Here’s an example …

A while ago during summer, I wanted to have an air conditioner installed at our home. As it was a peak season for the air condition installer, a one man show, he was unable to schedule a time to come in.

And, what happens during the winter months in Victoria, Australia?

He’s now chasing me and others for business.

Just imagine …

If he had an email list, he would have an effective way to communicate with people. People who were at one point connected to him, a customer or a lead.

He could have simply broadcast a winter savings promotion like “Get A $200 Cashback When You Book It In The Month of AUGUST”, and get the phone ringing.

That would have been a smart play.

It doesn’t matter …

If I’m selling a digital product, if I’m a cafe owner, if I’m a network marketer … all I need is a simple platform to send out my messages and promotions, all at the push of a button. That’s the power of Email Marketing.

Can you now see why content marketers and businesses need email marketing?

And the great thing is …

The investment in building a list is not huge.

Plus …

It is simple to set up.

It will not cost you an arm and a leg to set up an email campaign.

It will help build a relationship with your prospects, and turn them into a paying customer and teammate.

Here are 3 Tools For Email Marketing …

How To Create An Email List – The 3 Tools

1. An Autoresponder.

This is a must have tool that will help automate your prospecting both your marketing and communication.

The beauty of it is ….

It allows you to set a chain of daily emails that are automatically sent to your subscribers.

If you choose to, you can easily write up a month’s worth of emails of solid content or even a year’s worth of emails for your subscribers … all sent on autopilot.

With such an automated system, it simply allows you to stay in front of your prospect’s mind, and build up the goodwill in your brand.

It gets even better.

For an even deeper analysis of your audience, you can even group them into certain categories like geo-location to the type of content that they are most interested in.

With these type of information, you can tailor the message and offers around their needs.

So which Autoresponder?

Personally, I use Aweber.

It’s really easy to use.

It is very user friendly.

And it is affordable.

Like most autoresponders, you have the choice to use their in built selection of customized forms to choose from and start capturing the all important contact details (name, email, even phone number).

It even allows you to design your own newsletter, a confirmation page and send broadcasts to your email list of upcoming events and promotions.

You can check out Aweber’s FREE trial offer here to start an email campaign.

2. A Capture Page.

This is a dedicated landing page that is designed to capture your prospects’ contact information.

For an example of a landing page, click here.

When a prospect visits the landing page, the subscriber will exchange their information for a captivating offer (a free lead magnet).

To build a simple landing page, you can use a theme builder like Divi or even Aweber to build a landing page.

And when it comes to designing one, include a pre-headline, a headline, a sub-headline (optional), a bullet list of benefit driven statements (optional), a nice image of the giveaway, privacy policy page, an OPT-IN box and a CTA button.  

Both tools will help grow an email list fast … and in an efficient manner.

3. A Free Lead Magnet.

A free lead magnet is like a hook that grabs the attention of a prospect.

It can be in the form of a coupon, a report, a quiz, a coupon, a guide, a checklist, a blueprint, a webinar, etc.

And often this giveaway is of something of value that will benefit the prospect.

And if it is valuable enough for the prospect, they will give up their name and email address.

When you create a lead magnet, think of your prospect’s pains and struggles.

Avoid trying to attract everyone with your lead magnet.

So get specific with your audience and attract the people you want.

Then customize it to address the prospects’ problem and help them get closer to their goal.

Want an example?

Niche – weight loss

Target market – Females who want to lose weight

Giveaway – say a short 12 page PDF report that showed females “7 Easy Weight Loss Tips to Lose 12 Pounds in 14 Days or Less!”

That’s the hook that will draw the prospect’s attention, which brings them into your email campaign.

And when they do subscribe, they go into the next phase.

Building up credibility in YOU.

And that’s how to grow an email list.

With these 3 simple yet effective, nifty tools you can easily kickstart your email marketing campaign right now.

And the quickest way to launch your campaign …

Start up a Facebook Ad campaign, set a tiny budget, target a specific audience and drive the traffic to your landing page.

And growing an email list of high quality prospects.

For online entrepreneurs, an email campaign is a must.

It’s traffic you control … and own.


Jason OU

P.S In case you’re one of the people (like me) who skim to the P.S before you read the page, here’s what this is about:

1. 3 tools you need to create an email list of hungry prospects.

2. How to create an email list fast.

You Might Want to Check This Out Too

Resources To Grow Your Business With


Building an email list of a growing audience is essential for the longevity of any business.  This autoresponder service is easy to use, and it is a great starting point for someone looking to kickstart their email campaign. You can try their free account here.

WPX Hosting

It’s a web-hosting service I love using.  It specializes in WordPress hosting, and depending on what package you opt for, you can host 5 or more sites on one account. The best bit is – the quick turnaround in support is top notch.

For bloggers who have an established blog, this is a fantastic option.

You can learn more about this service here.


Bluehost is a great starting point for beginners or bloggers who want to switch to a reliable web hosting service. And it gives you the best bang for your buck – starting at $2.95 a month*.

With the entry-level hosting plan, you’ll get a free domain name for one year, free SSL, free CDN, reliable customer support, and 30 day money back guarantee.

You can sign up with Bluehost here.

Network Marketing Online – 6 Key Strategies To Grow Your Business

Network Marketing Online – 6 Key Strategies To Grow Your Business

online network marketing business opportunity

Network Marketing Online – 6 Key Strategies To Grow Your Business

If you’re looking to take your old school network marketing business online or simply wondering how to grow your business online, then this blog post will share 6 important online marketing strategies you need to know, so you can grow your business from the internet.

But before I get onto the online stuff …

Whether it is building the business online or growing it via the Old School Network Marketing, both business concepts share one important core principle.

And that is, in all marketing endeavors, it requires YOU to build a relationship of TRUST with your prospect.

You see …

Without the ‘know, like and trust’ in any business relationship (and a personal relationship), you simply cannot take a business forward.

As Zig Ziglar rightly points out

If people like you they’ll listen to you, but if they trust you they’ll do business with you.

In other words, before you market to your prospect, build a relationship and be in the position of TRUST.

Here are the main 6 marketing strategies for the online world …


6 Network Marketing Strategies For The Online World

FREE Guide


1. Be Specific.

No point in going for the mass marketing approach. It’s really like throwing something at a wall and praying it will stick.

It’s not easy.

Now, I’m not saying that the OLD school model doesn’t work.  It can work.

But only for the people that have that certain quality and skill of communicating with strangers. But sadly for most people, like myself, we don’t have it in us.

“How do I start a network marketing business online?”

Instead of wasting your valuable time spamming your business everywhere on social media or private messaging people about it, be specific with the type of audience you want to target.

Think about …

  • Who will likely need your products?
  • Who will most likely join your business opportunity?
  • If you had the choice, who would YOU like to join your network marketing business?

Answer those questions to find your ideal target audience,

Speaking of which ..

If you really want to speed things up, you should build an audience around network marketing!

The big reason is – they understand the industry … and already believe in the benefits of the business.

Plus the beauty of it is, you don’t have to sell them on the idea.

What’s more …

Network marketers have already spent more than a bit of money in the business.

And the networkers who are keen to grow the business have the desire and the belief to make it work.

You just have to lead them on the right path of building the network marketing business online.

So look out for networkers who are just starting out or looking to grow their business online … or not happy with their current situation. But do not poach people.

2. Personal Brand.

Do not promote your company online.

Instead promote YOU. And grow your personal brand.

With a strong reliable brand, you are positioning YOU as the trusted source, the go to person in your industry.

Think of recognizable personal brands like Oprah Winfrey, Martha Stewart, Elon Musk and the likes.

All of them started out with nothing.

But through sheer hard work of providing great value, they have built a brand that is not only highly respected amongst their peers, they are recognized worldwide as a trusted brand.

What’s more they have a huge following on both social media and traditional media.

As networkers, we should aspire to build a strong reputation that is trusted within the industry.

The biggest advantage is … you are not relying on the company.

You see …

  • Companies could shut.
  • Companies could change the compensation plan.
  • Or you could become dissatisfied with the management of the company.

So build up your credibility by providing consistent content of value to help your target audience.

When you do show up, you will attract more fans.

And since people trust your name, they’ll trust whatever you promote will benefit them too.

Plus, a strong personal brand can open up other more opportunities and income streams down the road.

3. Attract The People You Want Online.

To accomplish this, you need to consistently provide value through quality content via platforms like social media, an email campaign and via a blog.

From Lives, videos, articles to podcasts, you have many options to get your message out to help your target audience.

If you make the effort to share great info that will benefit people, you will go a long way in attracting people to your business.

And build the ‘know, like and trust’ in YOU.

4. Social Marketing.

With social platforms like Facebook, it has never been easier to leverage their advertising platform to get your brand out to your ideal prospects.

You can even retarget your ads to people who have engaged on your page.

It just allows you to create an automatic prospecting and business building system that passively attracts the people you want, all online … even when you are out for dinner with friends or out shopping for groceries.

If you have not done so, set up a Facebook page for your personal brand, fill in as many details where you’re allowed to, add your website link, and start posting high value content … and share a bit of your life.

Plan to post your content out consistently for organic reach.

Those free organic leads are a bonus.

if you’re ready to take that first step but unsure of just how to begin building your business online, then I highly recommend you check out the Attraction Marketing Formula

Take advantage of Facebook’s business suite and schedule from 2 weeks to a month’s worth of content to your target audience.

And every 5 posts, send out a promotion about your products or business and drive the traffic to build an email list.

As well, you can tap into Facebook groups, personal profile or your business page to engage with like minded individuals, and grow an audience.

Lastly, always reply back to comments or private messages you receive on your page!

Can network marketing be done online?

Done the right way, YES!

5. Your Own Website/Blog.

If you want more control of your business, then you need your own website. It’s a property you own, a family home that can not be taken away from you.

And it adds more credibility to your brand.

The big negative of just posting on social platforms like Facebook, you have NO control or ownership of your content.

Think about it, say your Facebook page is going gang-busters. You have all these engagements and traction with your audience.

If one day, Facebook decides to shut down your account or if Facebook goes offline, what will happen to your business?

You can’t do much about it …. but rant.

To have a long term, successful network marketing business online, you need a website that does all the heavy lifting for you … and grow an email list of your ideal prospects and customers.

Whilst it is not a must have to run your own website, you will be missing out on more opportunities for your business.

The beauty of this is …

Setting up a website is easy.

All you need is to register a domain name, get a reliable web hosting service, an autoresponder and set up a WordPress blog.

So why not post your most valuable content on your blog, get more eyeball traffic to your website and grow your personal brand.

Related Reading : How to generate leads online for Network Marketing

6. Always Follow Up.

If you want to get customers and sign ups, you need to follow up.

The reality is, not every lead will take action on the first contact. Or the second contact. Or even the third.

It may take 7 or more exposures to get any result.

People do take time to ‘think about it’. We procrastinate. We get distracted. And more.

As a business we have to deal with skepticism.

And it just highlights the need for an email list.

An email list of prospects allows you to warm up the relationship further … and to FOLLOW UP.

If you have missed this – An email list is essential for every business.

It’s a list you own and control. A truly valuable asset.

Therefore, you MUST follow up with your prospects … Always!

There you have it …

6 essential network marketing online strategies to grow your home business.

If this sounds overwhelming, don’t be. Once you apply it, and keep at it, you will be surprised.

But here’s a simple map of the online strategies to build your network marketing business online.

However, to keep it simple at first, focus on ONE social platform like Facebook, and start driving traffic (using paid ADS and organic postings).

Key note here – focus on posting great info and education. Consistently.

Simply by ‘showing up’ to help your audience, you will go a long way to build the ‘know, like and trust’ in your personal brand.

Which allows you to promote your offer every so often.

Once you’ve mastered a social platform, get onto building your own website and blog.

And drive the traffic from Facebook to your website … and grow your email list!

With an ever growing email list, you can start to promote and follow up to get more customers and new reps.

Now this is how to grow your network marketing business online.


Jason OU

P.S In case you’re one of the people (like me) who skim to the P.S before you read the page, here’s what this is about:

1. 6 key steps to growing your home business online.

2. How to generate leads online for network marketing.

Resources To Grow Your Business With


Building an email list of a growing audience is essential for the longevity of any business.  This autoresponder service is easy to use, and it is a great starting point for someone looking to kickstart their email campaign. You can try their free account here.

Attraction Marketing Formula

If you have been struggling to recruit more people and just tired of the rejections. Here’s a way to automate your prospecting and build a system that passively attracts people to your business, all online, while you sleep … then I strongly encourage check out this product here.

You’ll learn how to grow your network marketing business, without dealing with rejection. You’ll learn how to recruit people without the daily grind of prospecting!

So if you’re ready to get started…

Simply click here now 

Bye for now,

Jason Ou

how do you build a network marketing team

How To Generate Leads For Network Marketing – 5 Effective Ways

How To Generate Leads For Network Marketing – 5 Effective Ways

how to generate leads online

How To Generate Leads For Network Marketing – 5 Effective Ways

There has never been a better time to start a home business online than today.  With the power of the internet, especially with social marketing, generating both free and paid leads for network marketing or any kind of business has been made simpler and more convenient.

Working from home has never looked more appealing.

  • Gone are the days where you need to set up a brick and mortar business.
  • Gone are the days where you need to scour the malls for strangers to talk to.
  • Gone are the days where you need to have one on one presentations.

The internet has more or less reduced the need for it. Especially with the last 2 points above.

You see …

For entrepreneurs, dad-preneurs and mom-preneurs, social marketing has presented a fantastic opportunity to generate more prospects online for your home business.

But a lot of people go about it the wrong way.

Too many social marketers make the mistake thinking to generate more leads, they have to go for the “shotgun” approach.

They think the more people they can reach, the more ‘potential’ customers they’ll get.

And they go all in by blatantly pitching the business to everyone and anyone on their newsfeed.

Which puts off a whole bunch of people.

And wind up killing the business.

The point here is …

Untargeted marketing is a lot of work.

Instead you should focus on getting your message in front of the right people.

The people who are most likely to be interested in what you have to offer.

And that’s your laser targeted audience.

To do this, you need to understand your prospect’s problems and frustrations.

Their pain points.

Say, whenever you apply pressure to your knees, you feel pain. It’s really annoying.

And you’re looking for relief.

You go to your doctor to fix this painful problem. Right?

It’s the same concept when it comes to lead generation.

You understand the pain point and position yourself as the person who can provide a solution to their struggles.

When you have a clear understanding, your message will come out clearer and will really resonate with your ideal prospect.

Which leads me to …

how do you generate leads for your network marketing business?

FREE Guide


Here are 5 effective ways to generate leads for your business with VALUE

1. Create a website.

Think of a website as an online brochure for your business.

Which is a great way to build exposure for your personal brand online

Plus it gives you the platform to stand out in your niche.

But like social media, it is not the place to blatantly promote the network marketing company or the product and service.

Instead it should be an opportunity to showcase your brand by creating content  that will piqué the attention of your ideal prospect.

Not only that, if you optimize your website well for Google, you might get free organic leads online.

2. Post to a blog.

Again, this is a social platform where you can get in front of the market and provide more value to your target market.

And build the Like, Know And Trust in YOU.

Plus, it’s easy to set up.

Simply install WordPress (Google loves this WordPress) and you’re good to go.

It may sound hard, but it isn’t.

There’s plenty of online resources (like Youtube) to show you how to set up a blog.

A great part about using a blog, it can bring free organic leads for your network marketing business.

To do that, you’ll need to know

– The keywords your target audience will look up online.

– Where they hang out online.

– The most questions asked.

Again, this brings back to the importance of understanding your TARGET AUDIENCE.

It makes it so much easier to create content and marketing that will grab their interest!

Once you have a collection of ideas and keywords, start punching out articles on those keywords.

A blog brings more power to your brand, and it can generate more opportunity!

3. Build an email list.

If you want a long term, sustainable business, start building an email list of your ideal prospects!

With an email list you can easily follow up and broadcast your latest blog posts, LIVE, events and offer.

The best thing is your email list belongs to you.

And when you couple it with a website and blog, you will have an automated system that will do all the heavy lifting , even when you are out at a basketball game or even when you sleep.

When you’re consistently providing solid content to your audience, you’re able to passively generate leads to your business on autopilot.

And one of the most effective ways to grow an email list is by having a compelling offer.

For example, a compelling offer can be in the form of a guide, a checklist, a webinar or even an ebook packed with information.

Information that can solve one problem your prospect is facing now.

In exchange for the information, they will give you their contact information, and you have a quality lead.

When they do sign up, you can continue to nurture the relationship.

What’s more, an email list allows you to promote your business and follow up.


4. Youtube.

Second biggest online search engine online.

So why not use videos to get your brand out there.

A great benefit of using video is, it lends your face and your voice to your brand.

Also, it can quickly establish a connection with your prospect.

And people love watching videos.

When you carefully optimize each video with a good title, description and a full url to your website, you can get indexed on both Google and Youtube search.

Helping you generate more free leads online to your business.

You could even use a Youtube style webinar as a compelling offer for your prospects to sign up to your email list too!

And if you hate writing, Youtube and videos (even, a podcast) are fantastic to get your message out. So why not get into video marketing and start driving traffic.

5. Use Social Media to drive traffic.

A fabulous source of traffic. From Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and more.

But if you’re new to the online space, choose one platform and get good at it.

By focusing your energy on one platform, you can really tweak the process to generate more leads for your business.

And the best place to start is …. Facebook.

The biggest player on Social Media, you can leverage it’s platform to expand your reach and help you build your brand.

Whether it is LIVE, video

You can use your personal Facebook profile, business page or group to kickstart the business.

But the biggest benefit is it’s advertising platform.

You can target a specific audience and retarget your message to people who have engaged on your page for as little as 2 bucks a day.

Here are 5 Essential Steps To Effectively Recruit On Social Media.


With that said …

By consistently showing up on Facebook, you can post content with value and drive traffic to your website … and to your email list!

Again, start building your email list today with a social platform.

But when it comes to traffic and lead generation, you need to know your specific audience.

And pour your energy into helping them … and grow your email list.

By demonstrating that you are placing them first with helpful content, you are going a long way to building a connection and a relationship with your audience.

Which can translate to more customers and new reps for your business.

This is how to generate leads for network marketing or frankly … any type of business.

Thanks for reading this!


Jason Ou 

P.S In case you’re one of the people (like me) who skim to the P.S before you read the page, here’s what this is about:

1. 5 straight-forward ways to generate quality leads for your home business.

2. Why you should skip the time sucking mass marketing stuff and focus on a more specific audience for your business.

how do you build a network marketing team

Resources To Grow Your Business With

WPX Hosting

It’s a web-hosting service I love using.  It specializes in WordPress hosting, and depending on what package you opt for, you can host 5 or more sites on one account. The best bit is – the quick turnaround in support is top notch.

You can learn more about this service here.


Building an email list of a growing audience is essential for the longevity of any business.  This autoresponder service is easy to use, and it is a great starting point for someone looking to kickstart their email campaign. You can try their free account here.

Attraction Marketing Formula

If you have been struggling to recruit more people and just tired of the rejections. Here’s a way to automate your prospecting and build a system that passively attracts people to your business, all online, while you sleep … then I strongly encourage check out this product here.

You’ll learn how to grow your network marketing business, without dealing with rejection. You’ll learn how to recruit people without the daily grind of prospecting!

So if you’re ready to get started…

Simply click here now 

Bye for now,

Jason Ou

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